PROFESSIONALS | 12/02/2025 | 13:47

On March 22nd, the 116th edition of the Milano Sanremo presented by Crédit Agricole will start. For the next three years, the first Monument classic of the season will depart from Pavia thanks to an agreement between RCS Sport, the Municipality, the Chamber of Commerce, and the Province of Pavia. RTL 102.5 will be the official radio of the event and will comprehensively cover the event with its reporters. Team presentation is scheduled for Friday, March 21st at 5 PM in Pavia.

Michele Lissia, Mayor of Pavia: "The Milano-Sanremo 2025, which will be raced on Saturday, March 22nd starting from Pavia, opens the highly anticipated Classic season and, as is now traditional, will be an unmissable appointment for all cycling and sports enthusiasts. The history of Milano-Sanremo is studded with memorable feats and a roll of honor featuring extraordinary champions, a fascinating and always unpredictable race that has never disappointed expectations. The race is not just a sporting event but also a platform for promoting Pavia and its territory, offering Italian and foreign guests, and all fans following the race on television, the richness of its historical, artistic, and monumental heritage. I am certain that Milano Sanremo 2025 will provide the usual great spectacle, and for our City, it will be an extremely important 'showcase' to showcase its treasures".

Mauro Vegni, Cycling Area Director of RCS Sport: "Milano-Sanremo is one of the most fascinating and legendary races in world cycling. It is the Spring Classic, the first Monument of the season, a challenge that for over a century has tested the greatest champions of our sport. This year, and in the next two editions, Pavia will host the start, following the great success of 2024. March 22nd will be a great celebration with the presence of cycling's big names, a celebration that, as in previous editions, will be fully broadcast, with worldwide coverage, on TV from kilometer zero".

Angela Barbara Gregorini, Councilor for Sports, Youth Policies, Tourism, Animal Care and Welfare of the Municipality of Pavia: "The city of Pavia, despite having enormous potential from a historical, cultural, and landscape perspective, is still little known from a tourist point of view. The opportunity to host major sporting events like Milano-Sanremo is certainly a way to attract curious visitors, promote the city, and encourage tourism. We are convinced that sports and tourism are closely linked, especially today, and for this reason, we are focusing heavily on sports as a vehicle to make Pavia known and intend to significantly increase the number of national and international sporting events hosted in the city".

Giovanni Palli, President of the Province of Pavia: "Committing to hosting the start of Milano-Sanremo for the next three years in the province of Pavia, with a 'Classic' that will develop over 60 kilometers throughout our province, represents not only the greatest gift we could give to cycling enthusiasts and fans of our territory but also a testament to the territorial promotion work carried out over the years with the Chamber of Commerce and the municipalities of the Pavia province. The Certosa di Pavia, the cultural heart of the provincial capital, the suggestive parade of the race along the historic Via Emilia in Voghera, the naturalistic charm of the Ticino and Po rivers, the iconic passage through the Oltrepò hills, the unprecedented tribute to the thermal system of Oltrepò Pavese with Rivanazzano and Salice Terme: all this will be the protagonist of an event that combines sport and territorial promotion and will bring the Province of Pavia to the national and international spotlight in the next three years. This milestone is the result of a virtuous synergy between the Province of Pavia, the Municipality of Pavia, and the Chamber of Commerce, demonstrating how effective it is to join forces to enhance our territory. Thanks to the collaboration with RCS, we will give maximum prominence to this opportunity, helping to reveal the wonders of our province internationally. Pavia will not just be a starting city, but the pulsating heart of a unique cycling competition, increasingly linked to the Province of Pavia, our identity, and our passion for two wheels".

Giovanni Merlino, Vice President of the Pavia Chamber of Commerce: "As the Chamber of Commerce, we wanted to give continuity to the project, since we were already involved last year in the first historic start from Pavia, because we believe that important international events can bring luster to the entire territory. We are one of the three signatories of the agreement, together with the Municipality and the Province, and we are sure that this year's Milano-Sanremo will bring great benefits to everyone".


The Milano-Sanremo 2025 starts from Pavia and heads north towards Milan to reach the Certosa, where it joins the traditional route. It passes through Casteggio and Voghera before another detour in the territory, reaching Rivanazzano and Salice Terme before rejoining the classic route in Tortona and following it to the finish, retracing the road that for over 110 years connected Milan with the Riviera di Ponente, touching Ovada, the Turchino Pass, descending to Genova-Voltri. It then proceeds westward along the coast on the Aurelia state road through Varazze, Savona, Albenga (not using the Manie climb inserted from 2008 to 2013) until reaching Imperia. At San Lorenzo al Mare, after the classic sequence of Capes (Mele, Cervo, and Berta), the two climbs added in recent decades are tackled: Cipressa (1982) and Poggio di Sanremo (1961). The Cipressa covers 5.6 km at 4.1% to lead into a very technical descent back to the SS.1 Aurelia.

9 km from the finish begins the climb of Poggio di Sanremo (3.7 km at less than 4% average with peaks of 8% in the section preceding the summit). The climb features a slightly narrow carriageway and 4 hairpins in the first 2 km. The descent is very challenging on an asphalted road, narrow in some passages, with a succession of hairpins and curves until joining the Aurelia state road. The last part of the descent takes place in the town of Sanremo. The final 2 km are on long straight city streets. Notable is a left turn on a roundabout 850m from the finish and the final curve 750m from the finish, leading onto the final straight of Via Roma, all on asphalt surface.

Copyright © TBW
12 febbraio 2025 14:23 Bullet
La famosa Pavia Sanremo.

Una goduria...
12 febbraio 2025 15:23 pickett
Come si fa nel 2025 a presentare ancora un percorso del genere...Ed é anche stata accorciata,non c'é più neppure la difficoltà(molto relativa) dei 300 km.

Pensieri vari
12 febbraio 2025 17:20 Cyclo289
Il percorso della gara femminile, quando?

Sì, Pickett, il percorso è quello che è ma è una classica con una sua caratteristica ben precisa e non avrebbe senso snaturarla. E comunque 289 Km invece dei soliti 296/297 non fa quella grande differenza.

Anche la Parigi-Roubaix si chiama così pur non partendo da Parigi.

12 febbraio 2025 18:44 Bullet
Infatti quell'anello intorno a Pavia serve appunto solo per mettere km...però dovrebbe essere una corsa in linea almeno così era la Sanremo.

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