TEAMS | 20/12/2024 | 08:20
di Federico Balconi, avvocato
The new Highway Code, which came into effect on December 14, 2024, was supposed to provide a decisive turning point for cyclist safety, with new and more incisive rules aimed at imposing safer conduct on motor vehicle drivers for cyclists and pedestrians.
The objective was to put an end to road deaths and accidents suffered by vulnerable road users (cyclists, pedestrians, and now also motorcyclists), and the last event that stirred political work was the death of cyclist Davide Rebellin (November 30, 2022). His killing had shocked everyone, once again, to the point that the government at the time set to work to sign a reform aimed at protecting cyclists on the roads.
The first draft reforms, drawn up in the days following Davide Rebellin's death, killed by a truck driver who then fled after overtaking and hitting him, included the introduction of a series of mandatory precautions for drivers whenever they found themselves in the condition of having to overtake a cyclist. After more than two years, however, the momentum in favor of cyclists seems significantly weakened, to the point that today's outcome certainly does not look like a true turning point, but rather appears a dangerous and insidious turn, made without even signaling.
Thus disappears a principle that even before the legislator had convinced magistrates: overtaking a cyclist was considered a dangerous maneuver, to be carried out with extreme caution, to the point of automatically considering the driver guilty who, during overtaking, had hit and caused the cyclist to fall. The principle had been absorbed by prosecutors and judges, albeit during plea bargaining, to the point of introducing a new legal category: "cautionary overtaking". This is what is read in the charges and in the conviction sentences issued for road homicide, when the cyclist was killed while performing this maneuver:
An example: "Tizio, driving a motor vehicle, charged with road homicide of Caio, riding a bicycle, for not performing the so-called "cautionary overtaking", that is, for having overtaken the cyclist without maintaining a safe distance and extremely reduced speed, causing his death following the impact".
In other words: if a cyclist was hit during the overtaking maneuver, it automatically resulted in a violation of the precautions due by the driver, evaluating the circumstances that the regulation (art. 148 highway code) imposed on you. In these cases, thanks also to the provision of art. 590 bis of the criminal code (road homicide introduced in 2016), the driver was automatically blamed and convicted for road homicide.
Article 148, before the reform, indicated a series of measures and precautions that the driver had to put in place before undertaking the overtaking maneuver: they had to take into account the cyclist's lesser stability, the probability of being subject to swerving and deviations, and for these reasons, being a vulnerable road user, it was the driver who had to pay particular attention, to the point of not overtaking unless they were sure, indeed more than sure, of not endangering the cyclist.
In any case, overtaking had to be carried out with particular prudence, safety, and at an extremely reduced speed! The new article 148 simplifies everything, indicating 1.5 meters as the distance to be maintained when overtaking a cyclist. But the same article immediately specifies "where road conditions allow", and no longer includes all the other measures that in the previous article constituted essential conditions for being able to perform the maneuver.
The legal fear is that the driver who will hit the cyclist can justify themselves by claiming that road conditions did not allow the 1.5-meter distance, taking advantage of the fact that no overtaking prohibition is specified in the regulation, with the additional factor to be evaluated in reference to the size of their vehicle (the new code no longer considers that the cyclist is subject to swerving and instability, but has considered the car's dimensions as a variant!). Being optimistic, one could interpret this, which is the hope, in the most stringent sense, namely an implicit prohibition of overtaking where the one-and-a-half-meter distance cannot be maintained because conditions do not allow it.
The hope is precisely to imprint this cautionary distance in drivers' minds and that it be considered inviolable, for the benefit of cyclists' lives, and that if it is not possible, to refrain from overtaking, waiting for truly safe conditions to exist. Otherwise, if the driver were to overtake and hit the cyclist, the second hope is that judges and prosecutors apply the same pre-reform considerations, further simplifying by deducing that "if a cyclist were to be hit during overtaking, it automatically follows a violation of the one-and-a-half-meter distance, with consequent exclusive responsibility of the driver."
An automatism that would benefit the level of attention that drivers will have to maintain in this extremely dangerous maneuver, too often underestimated or forced even in the absence of safety conditions, not considering that there is always a person on that bicycle. We are therefore still at hopes and interpretations, regretting that a clearer and more incisive regulation, which would impose, for example, precautions suitable for avoiding any risk, with a consequent prohibition of overtaking in the absence of conditions, and placing objective fault on the driver if they performed the maneuver and hit the cyclist, would certainly have benefited safety and the reduced number of lives lost on the road.

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1,5 METRI!
20 dicembre 2024 11:47 LarryT
troppi conducenti pensano 1,5 CM, non 1,5 M!

Vittoria di pirro
20 dicembre 2024 12:38 Bullet
Anche qui appena uscita la legge avevo scritto che erano sparite le responsabilità dell'automobilista durante il sorpasso rendendo tutto meno chiaro con l'1.5 metri inserito ma in tutt'altro contesto. Eppure subito tutti a festeggiare come se si fosse raggiunto l'obiettivo, mi chiedo se avessero letto la nuova legge e se ora si rendono meglio conto che alla fine è più a tutela dell'automobilista che non è più considerato dalla legge come colui che per primo deve rispettare certe misure durante il sorpasso.

20 dicembre 2024 16:49 Maurone
Chiedo cosa prevede il codice della strada nei confronti di un ciclista che: pedala su un marciapiede in mezzo ai pedoni, pedala contromano in strada, svolta tranquillamente a sx senza degnarsi di segnalarlo a chi gli sta dietro, viaggia su una bici sprovvista di campanello e di fanale acceso quando è buio, passa impunemente il semaforo rosso, non si ferma davanti alle strisce pedonali anche se vi sono pedoni che le attraversano, sorpassa a destra un'ato ferma davanti a un passaggio pedonale per lasciar passare i pedoni.....

20 dicembre 2024 17:25 Bullet
Visto che ti piace fare gli elenchi, mi dici quanti morti fra le altre categorie della strada hanno causato questi comportamenti dei ciclisti? E sul totale di ciclisti quanti fanno quello che dici rispetto al pelo o alle non precedenze fatte dagli automobilisti verso i ciclisti su un mezzo che pesa 100 volte una bicicletta? Chiedo così capiamo chi è l'utente debole che rischia veramente la pelle in strada.

20 dicembre 2024 18:15 GianEnri
Risposta perfetta al Sig. Miguelon.
A parte poi che questo codice ha norme chiaramente anticostituzionali.

20 dicembre 2024 18:18 GianEnri
Risposta a Maurone, non a Miguelon

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