FESTA | 26/11/2024 | 08:06
As 2024 draws to a close, the G.S. Giovani Giussanesi is celebrating 60 years of activity.
An important "birthday" that on November 22nd the Association celebrated with an evening that combined: sport, memory, and entertainment, thanks to the hilarious show by the comedy duo Paolo Franceschini and Andrea Di Marco, who were able to engage and entertain the audience, making the celebration unique.
The event saw the participation of prominent representatives from the Italian Cycling Federation, including: Ruggero Cazzaniga (National Vice President FCI), Stefano Pedrinazzi (Regional President FCI Lombardy) and Marino Valtorta (President FCI Monza and Brianza). Also present were Municipal Councilors Sara Citterio and Giacomo Crippa, representing the Municipality of Giussano, led by Mayor Marco Citterio, along with the President of BCC Carate Brianza, Dr. Ruggero Redaelli, whose presence also embodied all the other sponsors who affectionately support Giussanesi.
The evening was further enhanced by the presentation of the official book dedicated to the 60 years of the Society, the result of a year of work that our Councilor Luca Poggiali spent collecting and organizing over 1,000 articles, photos, and images in more than 200 pages. A tribute to the long history of Giovani Giussanesi and all those who have contributed to its success.
During the evening, the prestigious recognition obtained by the Society a few weeks ago was also highlighted: becoming a National Cycling School. A milestone for the province of Monza and Brianza, achieved also thanks to the expansion of the Giussano Bike Park and the constant commitment of managers and volunteers.
Not least, a thank you to two "pillar" people in the Society's history: Rocco D'Aprile, with Giussanesi since 1990 and President since 1995, and Giovanni Mauri, currently a Councilor and also one of the historic founders from the distant 1964.
In summary, a milestone that celebrates the past and looks to the future, confirming Giovani Giussanesi as a symbol of sport and values, ready to pedal towards new objectives starting from the upcoming season.

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