NEWS | 25/02/2025 | 08:12

Italian cycling receives yet another recognition for its international achievements: the jersey worn by Marino Vigna when he won the Olympic gold in the team pursuit at Rome 1960, as part of a quartet that also included Luigi Arienti, Franco Testa, and Mario Vallotto, will be preserved in Switzerland, at the Olympic Museum, among the memorabilia that has written the history of the Games.

The Italian athlete's jersey, personally handed over by Marino Vigna during a ceremony in Lausanne where he also signed "The Olympians Wall", has been selected among the "objects" that will enrich the collections of the Olympic Museum, which, with a 3,000 m² exhibition space, preserves the most exciting moments of Olympic history. In addition to torches, medals from all editions, and sports equipment signed by champions, the museum's collections also host clothing, musical instruments, opening and closing ceremony shows, posters, and historic photographs.

A unique piece that will keep company with Pietro Mennea's shoes from Moscow 1980, Francesco Damiani's boxing gloves from Los Angeles 1984, or more recent artifacts like Federica Brignone's suit from PyeongChang 2018, Vanessa Ferrari's costume from Tokyo 2020, or Paola Egonu's jersey from Paris 2024, to name a few examples.

"I am connected to Lausanne through unforgettable moments, both as an athlete and as a sports director. When the Olympic Museum asked me to donate the jersey, I didn't hesitate for a moment, because this is the best place where it can be preserved," said an emotional Marino Vigna during the handover ceremony. "I will always be linked to this jersey because it represents a series of indelible memories: the joy of the Olympic victory, the attentive gaze of the institutions during the race, but above all the warmth and affection of the public. I hope this jersey can inspire young people who will visit the museum to pursue their dreams, in sports and in life."

"It is an absolute honor to receive Marino's jersey," stated Angelita Teo, Director of the Olympic Museum. "This donation is a tribute to his legacy as an Olympic champion, and we hope it can inspire young athletes and generations to pursue their dreams."

"I have a sincere affection for Marino Vigna, born from a long family friendship. I couldn't say whether he was greater as an athlete or as a sports director. In my opinion, this demonstrates the greatness of a unique champion in style and profound humanity. As a rider, he left his mark especially with the Olympic gold in Rome 1960, and as a director, he contributed to the growth of a rider like Eddy Merckx and many young talents," says Cordiano Dagnoni, President of the Italian Cycling Federation. "His jersey donated to such a prestigious museum is the right reward for a figure who has given so much not only to cycling but to Italian and world sports."

Inaugurated in 1993, the Olympic Museum is an unmissable experience for sports enthusiasts: it is open every day from Tuesday to Sunday from 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM. Entrance tickets can be purchased on-site or online. All information about the Olympic Museum is available on the website.

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