MARKET | 22/01/2025 | 08:20
di Francesca Monzone
Among the riders who have not yet signed a contract for 2025 is our Elia Viviani, who after wearing the Ineos jersey in the last 3 seasons, is now waiting to find a new team. Remembering all of Viviani's successes takes time, but suffice it to think of his 89 road victories, including stage wins in all three grand tours.
Then there's his track work, where he laid the foundations for the rebirth of the Italian movement since 2010 when he used to train alone in the evening at the Montichiari velodrome with Marco Villa. At the Olympics, he won gold in the Omnium in Rio 2016, bronze in the Omnium in Tokyo 2021, and silver in the Madison with Consonni in Paris 2024.
His example has been contagious for Filippo Ganna, who considers him the most important person by his side, and they continuously exchange messages and voice notes. But all this has not yet helped him sign a contract with a new team. His last race was last October at the Cro Race, and his last victory was on October 12, 2023, when he was the first to cross the finish line in the first stage of the Tour de Guanxi. Born in 1989, he will turn 36 next February 7, and it's surprising that a rider of his caliber is still not registered with a team.
The boy from Isola della Scala had said this would be his last season, with the desire to win one last time at the Giro d'Italia. Hypotheses about new teams have been made, as well as approaches to some. For him, there was talk of Q36.5 and Jayco, after the emergence of problems with Caleb Ewan. Some had speculated about Tudor. There was also an approach with Roglic's Red Bull, but ultimately nothing came of it.
Viviani, the boy with a sincere smile and the desire to help young riders grow, is still searching. In mid-February, there will be the Track Europeans in Belgium and from October 15-19 the World Championships in Chile, where he would like to say goodbye to the world of velodromes, that track that perhaps gave him the most beautiful emotions. It's difficult to think that a rider with so much experience, technique, and tactics, with a total vision of the movement, is still looking for a team willing to accompany him in his last year as a professional. With a new contract, Viviani would certainly not remain idle waiting for the end of his last season with a tired and resigned pedaling.
He would definitely showcase his best side, capable of winning and bringing road enthusiasm to the public. In a team, a rider like him would also be an excellent guide for young riders and could one day sit in the team car. Meanwhile, we wait and are certain that 2025 will be a year that will give us many emotions, with the conviction that in the pink race he could once again be the fastest in the group.

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di Francesca Monzone
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