PROFESSIONALS | 18/01/2025 | 08:10 Goal: to grow further and aim to conquer a monument classic. Yesterday in Albir (Alicante), Intermarché Wanty unveiled its ambitions for the 2025 season and presented the rosters of the three teams that compose it: Intermarché-Wanty World Team, Wanty-NIPPO-ReUz Continental Development team and Charles Liégeois Roastery CX cyclocross team. The presentation was opened by general manager Jean-François Bourlart: "2024 will remain an exceptional season for Intermarché-Wanty, with the highlight of our first victory in our history at the Tour de France, followed by two more stage wins and the green jersey. This historic feat is just another step in the development of our project. The evolution of our structure follows a continuous progress every year, thanks to the dedication of all staff, the support of our partners, and the collaboration between our three teams. We intend to continue this progress in 2025 with the ambition of winning a Monument." And further: "The solidity of our project is based on the support of our sponsors. For 2025, our family of technical partners is expanding with CEMA, Hutchinson, and O'Neills Sportswear. Charles Liégeois Roastery enthusiastically supports our cyclocross team led by Bart Wellens, around which a true 'mania' has developed. Moreover, we are happy to welcome NIPPO Corporation, a Japanese group, leader in the construction field, with a long history in cycling. Finally, we are very pleased to be able to count on a renewed and strengthened support from Intermarché for the years to come, which will soon be the subject of an announcement in Paris." Aike Visbeek, performance manager, added: "The common thread, since our arrival in the World Tour, has been talent development combined with the pursuit of success. We have instilled a performance culture within our structure, offering young riders time and confidence to grow, trying to improve all aspects from nutrition to equipment to coaching. The success of our World Team and our young Wanty-NIPPO-ReUz riders, such as Huub Artz's European Champion title, is the result of a clear strategy and plan, established over several years. It is also the result of collective work, with mechanics and masseurs who commit themselves daily to a quality service. Our dream of winning at the Tour de France has become a reality, but we intend to take another step in 2025. We want to be consistently competitive in the classics, aim for the podium, and be competitive in the Monuments. I am convinced that we can aspire to play a leading role in Paris-Roubaix. We have regularly shone in the past, placing a rider in the top 10 four times in the last four editions. For the Grand Tours, our primary goal is to do well in the Giro d'Italia, with Louis Meintjes, Kobe Goossens, and Simone Petilli as mountain spearheads to aim for the general classification, Gerben Thijssen and his reference man Gijs Van Hoecke for sprints, as well as the young Francesco Busatto for the more undulating stages. Then, we will return to the Tour de France with the goal of winning a stage with Biniam Girmay, surrounded by his loyal sprint train composed among others by Hugo Page and Laurenz Rex, and accompanied by climbers Kobe Goossens and Georg Zimmermann." Finally, the word goes to Biniam Girmay: "I experienced an incredible 2024, obviously with the Tour de France and its finale in Nice that will forever be etched in my memory. But I had also started the season well in Australia, then Tirreno-Adriatico, I was competitive in the classics and at the Giro, I won the Circuit Franco-Belge before the Tour. We planned the season very well, being flexible with setbacks and returns to Eritrea that allow me to be at the top of my form, both physically and mentally. This is one of the reasons why I chose to continue my career with Intermarché-Wanty long-term: we have built a relationship of trust, we are progressing together, I feel at home. I know I can count on my team's support in good moments and difficult periods. In 2025 I want to be in top form for the classics, and then return to the Tour de France to win. I dream of standing on the podium of Milan-Sanremo: it's a classic that suits me. Together with my sprint train Hugo Page, Laurenz Rex, but also Jonas Rutsch, Roel van Sintmaartensdijk, and Vito Braet, we have built a solid group with which I will race often. I am convinced that in the years to come we will achieve new feats together."
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