NEWS | 11/01/2025 | 08:10
di Luca Galimberti

The new Australian U23 road champion is Julian Baudry. Currently racing with the local Alpine club, but already announced in the roster of the Continental Atom 6 – Decca team, the 18-year-old athlete crossed the final line of the Perth circuit with a 51" advantage over Fergus Browning (Ccache X Bodywrap) and Jack Clark, last year registered with Team Veleka and today racing with the Norwood team.

The day's highlight race was preceded by Junior category competitions. Among Junior women, the victory went to Anna Dubier (Australian Cycling Academy Lidcombe Auburn) who preceded the Australian time trial champion Amelie Sanders (Australian Cycling Academy Gold Coast) and Leani Van der Berg (Australian Cycling Academy Norwood).

Among the boys, success went to Alex Hewes, representing Australian Cycling Academy Gold Coast, who returned to the podium twenty-four hours after securing third place in the National Criterium Championship. The new Australian champion prevailed over his peers Jonas Shelverton, defending the colors of Hobart Wheelers, and Fletcher Medway, wearing Hamilton Wheelers jersey.

Interestingly, the young Hewes' sporting curriculum includes an experience with the Belgian team AVIA - Rudyco Cycling, with which in 2024 he also participated in the E3 Saxo Classic in his category and won a victory in a national calendar event in Roeselare.

On Sunday, in the early hours of the Italian morning, the Australian Elite road championships for women and men will take place. The women's race will cover a distance of 109 kilometers and will see around eighty competitors at the start, including the outgoing champion Ruby Roseman-Gannon along with her Liv AlUla Jayco teammates Amber Pate (fresh winner of the National Criterium title) and Josie Talbot. Also expected are the new time trial champion Brodie Chapman (UAE Team ADQ), the Lidl Trek trio composed of young Felicity Wilson-Haffenden and experienced Lauretta Hanson and Amanda Spratt.

Already supported by good form that allowed her to climb the podium in recent days, Anya Louw, who along with Alexandra Manly (third last year) will represent AG Insurance - Soudal Team, will also line up at the start. Closing the list of potential protagonists are Tiffany Cromwell (CANYON//SRAM zondacrypto) and Sarah Roy (EF-Oatly-Cannondale) who won the title in 2021.

Seventy athletes are registered for the men's competition, and the spotlight is especially on Luke Plapp who, after achieving a "back to back" in the time trial, will try to repeat his road title from last year. The 24-year-old from Jayco AlUla will be supported by teammates O'Brien, Hepburn, Harper, and Durbridge, while "fierce" opponents like Vine (silver medalist in the time trial) and Welsford (Criterium winner) will try to disrupt "Plappy" and his teammates' plans. We also include Hindley, making his seasonal debut, and Robert Stannard in the list of potential winners.

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di Luca Galimberti
Il nuovo campione australiano su strada degli U23 è Julian Baudry. Oggi in gara con il club locale della Alpine, ma già annunciato nel roster della formazione Continental   Atom 6 – Decca, l’atleta 18enne ha tagliato il traguardo finale...

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