TUTTOBICI | 27/12/2024 | 09:10
di Cristiano Gatti
Singular: from the atmosphere that's brewing, the electoral campaign to become national team coach seems more heated than the one to become federation president. And to think that before any discussion about the coach, having a new president will be fundamental and decisive, it's elementary. But it seems that this doesn't matter: perhaps because it's certainly more exciting to talk about the coach than the president, in any sport, this evident fact of great attention to the national team leadership remains, naturally always prefacing the ritual formula, absolute hypocrisy, the current coach is fantastic and phenomenal, deserves to stay there for life, I'm reasoning only hypothetically, in case I would be ready, in case it would be my dream, in case a single phone call would suffice...
It's right and sacrosanct that people dream, it seems human that many cultivate this ambition. Dreaming costs nothing, dreaming helps to survive. I, for example, have always dreamed of becoming wise, but damn me, I never managed to realize the dream. This doesn't mean I should give up. Just as aspiring coaches shouldn't give up. To them, however, I'd like to throw out a question: have you first asked yourselves what you would do? And how?

In case people were distracted, I'll provide a quick overview of the Italian situation. The new coach will arrive to lead the top of a movement that in 2024 has won only 5 stages in the three Grand Tours (a record shared with 2022, to speak of an epochal trend, and previously only with 1973), moreover without wearing the leader's jersey for a single day. As for the classics, everyone knows well: we're at values worthy of court books, we haven't won any since Methuselah's time. Focusing on the Italian affair, a mass suicide: in the last World Championship in Zurich, the best Italian was Giulio Ciccone with his 25th place at 6'36". But there's an even more depressing aspect: we've achieved the worst result in the last 75 years (only in 1950 it was even worse, everyone withdrew, but that was a too particular situation).

I'll say it without many circumlocutions, sure of frustrating many expectations and dreams of potential coaches convinced of changing things drastically: given how we are, as a new president I would save on hiring and give an extra token to Marco Villa, asking him for overtime to put together the least worst and make our parade at Europeans and World Championships, without asking him for who knows what results. I'm sure it wouldn't go worse than the latest expeditions (also because worse is impossible).

Enough with stories, this coach issue is a false question.
Let's say better: it's a tiny and secondary matter, given the dark era we've fallen into. Much more delicate and important is instead the choice of the new president. We like it or not, everything descends from the handle. And if it doesn't descend from the handle, meaning a collaborator messes things up, it's even worse, because it means the handle chooses wrong people, not only, but doesn't even control them (personally I can't stand the boss who saves himself by saying he didn't know: the boss is always the boss, even when he must take responsibility for his men, rather than falling from the clouds).

Who to vote for? I don't vote, but I would certainly vote for the candidate who wants to restart from the fundamentals, from grassroots practice, for children and adults
: for me the first fundamental is abolishing that infamous nonsense that is the "cycle-pedestrian" path, the mother of all disasters for those who want to pedal decently. It only serves to wash the consciences of mayors and councilors who have never been on a bike, but even more to set two types of Italians against each other, on one side the walking tourists - pensioners with dogs, moms with strollers, various walkers - and us serious or semi-serious cyclists, those without baskets on the handlebars and shopping bags, people who are anyway sporty, movement people, to understand each other. If you want to make a path for cyclists, you call it a bike path and that's it, a place where those who start and continue pedaling can go away safe and free as the wind. Etcetera etcetera.

Having said this, I'll stop here. I hope - and the dying Italian cycling should hope - that in the coming weeks we occupy our time inventing some ideas, certainly not playing with coach guessing games. There's much more at stake. We must be very careful. If we don't start with restructuring, soon the coach will only serve to guide the useless national team of a sport that no longer exists.

from tuttoBICI of December

Copyright © TBW
27 dicembre 2024 09:51 PIZZACICLISTA
se bastasse distinguere le ciclabili dalle ciclopedonali ( quelle poche che ci sono) sarebbe semplice risollevare il ciclismo. La verità è ben diversa........

27 dicembre 2024 11:09 Bullet
Bastavano le ultime 5 parole però bisogna anche guardarsi indietro e rendersi conto che il ciclismo è stato distrutto a picconate in Italia per cui uno sponsor ancora oggi ci pensa bene prima di mettere il suo nome nel ciclismo. O si danno garanzie dall'alto, ma dall'alto quasi altissimo, o il ciclismo diventerà sempre più sport secondario se non terzo o quarto o ultimo, i miracoli come visto in altri sport in cui eravamo dati per dispersi, vedi atletica leggera e tennis, avvengono solo se tutti si rema dalla stessa parte a partire da chi tira le fila in generale. Questa è l'analisi che andrebbe fatta ma come al solito è meglio girarci alla larga e non parlare del passato perché poi molti dovrebbero rimangiarsi la linea intransigente scelta a quei tempi e non ce li vedo proprio.

27 dicembre 2024 12:19 Ruggero
Ripartire da una classe dirigenziale meno da copertina/social ma più di sostanza.

E certo
27 dicembre 2024 16:02 Albertone
Le ciclabili solo x i ciclisti. Cosi, chi vuole fare una camminata e sport, deve andare dove ? Ma per favore, nemmeno in Italia andassero tutti in bici. Per il resto, chiunque vada al comando, ha una situazione in mano non facile. Il sistema Italiano, sono anni che arranca e francamente ci sono settori anche messi peggio dello sport, con migliaia di lavoratori in crisi.Quindi, il problema e' a 360 gradi

27 dicembre 2024 17:33 PIZZACICLISTA
Tu come al solito non hai capito il senso, ma va bene così. AUGURI

X Pizza
27 dicembre 2024 18:44 Albertone
Come al solito, non avrai capito tu, non io. Certi ragionamenti monosenso, vanno bene se vivo da solo. Non in una comunita'

27 dicembre 2024 19:39 Greg1981
Per me, caro Pizza Ciclista, non abiti in Italia. Hai presente cosa sia un grande citta' ? No, mi pare evidente

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