Il trofeo Binda andrà in diretta web testuale anche sul sito www.tuttobiciweb, a cura di Paolo Broggi e sui social più conosciuti e amati dagli appassionati, curati da Fabrizio Sansottera:
YOUTUBE – Channel: Cycling Sport Promotion -
INSTAGRAM – Account: Cycling Sport Promotion -
In TV le immagini salienti del trofeo Binda saranno trasmesse da RAISPORT 1, domenica 20 marzo alle ore 17.00, con commento di Piergiorgio Severini e Monia Baccaille
- Storia "Trofeo Binda - Coppa del Mondo" di Angelo Gaudenzi:
- Video Promo Gavirate (sede di partenza gare) di Flaviano Ossola:
On Sunday, two races will take place in Cittiglio (Varese): the eighteenth edition of the Alfredo Binda Trophy, part of the new-born Women’s World Tour and the fourth edition of the Da Moreno – mini-Alfredo Binda Trophy, the race which will inaugurate the UCI junior women’s Nation’s Cup. This year, more than ever before, images and news from both races will be available in real time. It will be possible to follow the race in live streaming ( from 13:30. Angelo Gaudenzi will provide technical support, while news will be brought to us by Lorenzo Franzetti who will interview lots of guests at the finish line in Cittiglio between laps: “the Binda Trophy will share images from the race on the web – announced Mario Minervino, president of Cycling Sport Promotion – and we will be able to update everyone who is interested in receiving news as it happens. We believe that this is the future of communication in cycling and it will be our first experience with this fantastic opportunity”.
The Binda Trophy will also be live on the web on the website www.tuttobiciweb, thanks to Paolo Broggi and on the most popular social networks, thanks to Fabrizio Sansottera:
YOUTUBE – Channel: Cycling Sport Promotion -
INSTAGRAM – Account: Cycling Sport Promotion -
The highlights of the Binda Trophy will be transmitted by RAISPORT 1, on Sunday 20 March at 17.00, with commentary by Piergiorgio Severini and Monia Baccaille.
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