A cyclist's workshop is infinitely more than just a cyclist's workshop. Because it's also the workshop of an artisan and an artist's laboratory, a social center and a psychological support desk, a first aid station and an operating room, an emporium of spokes and a bazaar of saddles, a metalworking living room and a metallurgical parlor, a wind gallery and a platform of suiveurs, a meeting point and many points of view, a stronghold for chains (with 116 links) but against chains (of big stores), certainly an act of faith and a demonstration of courage, a test of strength and - above all - a declaration of love. A brave space for gentle mobility.
Thus, in a period where extinct and lost workshops are more numerous than conceived and newborn ones, a new cyclist's workshop should be greeted with the enthusiasm due to those who resist and insist, fight and sometimes burst out, dream even with open eyes, plan even with closed eyes, don't give up but double down. As happened to Roberto D'Anna, moreover in Milan. First the workshop in the suburbs, in Corsico, now also in the center, in Piazza San Nazaro in Brolo at number 1, behind the State University on Via Festa del Perdono.
Sales and assistance, personal creations and public repairs. A small thing but done in a big way. No surprise, knowing Roberto, who grew up at Rossignoli (Corso Garibaldi), tested at Zanazzi (taken over by Rossignoli, Via Solari corner Via Stendhal), then self-published, reinforced by passion (vintage cycling, for example) and competition (gran fondo, for sweat), animated by curiosity and precision. Part mechanic and doctor, part researcher and inventor, Roberto the encyclopedic Pythagorean can dedicate himself with the same concentration to replacing an inner tube, silencing a mysterious ticking, assembling a fixed gear or drawing a unique prototype.
In short, a cyclist's workshop is infinitely more than just a cyclist's workshop. For this reason, for some days now, the bicycle community can count on a new young civil defender.
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