EVENTS | 24/01/2025 | 08:05

Important news for Becycle, the Pitti Immagine event dedicated to the bicycle as a high-quality industrial and artisanal product and as a modern cultural phenomenon, a tool and symbol of environmental sensitivity, naturalistic tourism, and new forms of urban mobility, launched last June on the occasion of the Tour de France start in Florence.

The second edition will indeed move from the dates and venue previously announced (March 15-17, 2025, Florence, Stazione Leopolda) and will bring to Fortezza da Basso, still in Florence, a selection of the best bicycle companies in terms of production quality, technological innovation, and design, during Pitti Uomo 108 (June 17-20, 2025), the most important international fair for men's fashion and lifestyle, a fundamental promotional event for the sector at a global level.

The decision to include Becycle in the context of Pitti Uomo is mainly due to awareness of the delicate moment the two-wheel manufacturing sector is experiencing, still in a recovery phase after the difficulties of the last two years - and especially to the conviction that at this moment, the cross-pollination between fashion, outdoor, and lifestyle can provide those productive realities and the bicycle ecosystem with a significant contribution in terms of positioning, communication, and international networking.

"Constant dialogue with cycling sector companies – explains Agostino Poletto, General Director of Pitti Immagine - has finally shown us clearly that the placement of Becycle in March of this year, though founded on the calendar, was difficult for many of them, who are still dealing with a slowed market, conditioned by strong uncertainties about the overall macroeconomic framework. Offering the most prestigious and established Pitti stage is our way of contributing to this restart phase: at Fortezza dal Basso, companies will have the opportunity to meet operators, media, and potential new sector partners, which I am convinced can unveil scenarios and initiatives of great interest even in the short term. We are also working on the format: it will be an event within an event, not excluding formulas that involve the final public, perhaps after hours...".

A combination that also leverages the growing mutual appeal between research fashion and the outdoor world, already made evident by the success and interest sparked at the last edition of Pitti Uomo by numerous projects related to lifestyle and active life, particularly the Knees Up section for the runners' community. The bicycle will therefore act as an innovation driver within Pitti Uomo, for an edition that will be strongly characterized by the presence of two wheels in all their forms.

"It will therefore be a Becycle somewhat different from the initial one – concludes Poletto - but consistent with the path begun in 2024. In this regard, we realize that in the context of Pitti Uomo, it might be more complicated to present and enhance the other component of the project, namely the places where the bicycle becomes the protagonist of a wellness-oriented lifestyle, an expression of vacation and travel, queen of sustainable mobility. Therefore, we have thought of a dedicated event, a symposium to capture the state of the art, give voice to the protagonists, and highlight the new trends in the sector. All this, of course, while waiting and with the objective of reuniting the two souls of the project in 2026".

Further updates on BECYCLE 2025 and Pitti Uomo 108 will be released in the coming weeks.

For further information:

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