INTERVIEW | 15/01/2025 | 08:25
di Francesca Monzone
At the presentation of the Giro d'Italia in Rome, Paolo Bettini was also present: in his palmares, there are two World Championships and one Olympic gold, and then two victories at Liège-Bastogne-Liège and one at Milan-Sanremo. Bettini has no shortage of experience and, after racing on a bike, he has held the role of technical commissioner of the Italian national cycling team.
He discovered the Giro d'Italia with us, what impressions did he have?
"Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful! And, as I said live, I would have liked to race a Giro d'Italia like this, because there's a first stage that's not trivial. I knew how to put sprinters in difficulty and then I knew how to beat them, I would have liked to have a first stage like this to immediately compete for the pink jersey".
Which stages do you think will decide the Giro?
"The time trial from Lucca to Pisa is a key passage and then the three important mountain stages, especially the last ones where we've seen a significant elevation change. The altimetry will be decisive because it takes just a moment of collapse, even psychological, and in that type of stage it's possible to lose many minutes. Just as many can be gained, and history teaches us that. For me, it's a well-designed Giro, balanced, spectacular with a bang at the end".
What can you tell us about the Italian cyclists we'll see?
"Tiberi still needs to grow. He could become our important man, he could give us some satisfaction. We have a sprinter like Milan who will have the opportunity to enjoy himself in some stages. However, we suffer. We must not, and I repeat, we must not hide behind a finger and pretend nothing is happening".
Are you referring to the Italian cycling movement?
"Italy has a big problem of requalifying the entire cycling sector, not just professional cycling. We're talking about the Giro d'Italia, but to get to race such an important race with great champions, we must work very well from the base".
You are a man with a lot of experience. You were an important champion and held the role of technical commissioner: in your opinion, what should be done to revive our cycling?
"It is essential to find a way to bring our young people back to doing sports first of all. I'm speaking in general, not just about cycling, because getting boys to ride a bike is not easy. Cycling today is a sport that suffers, it's evident that we must not pretend that this problem doesn't exist. We must go and ask families to bring children and girls to race. We must ask families to give us their children to do cycling and train them on the roads, but this is already a very important obstacle. Cycling is dangerous, and it's understandable that they prefer sports where they are taken to a pool or a sports hall and not to think about traffic-related issues and all the risks that exist. We cannot blame families who no longer trust our sport, and we must all do something for the good of Italian cycling".
If you were to meet a child who absolutely does not know cycling and the Giro d'Italia, what would you tell them about this race?
"I would tell them a few but effective words: demand, fight, and get yourself taken to see a stage of the Giro d'Italia. Try to understand what the Giro is because cycling is something wonderful that makes you dream with your eyes open. The Giro d'Italia is a great celebration, and by experiencing even just one day, just one moment of this great celebration, then you can fall in love with cycling, which for me is the most beautiful sport of all, and even now I continue to fall in love"

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di Francesca Monzone
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