CONTINENTAL | 14/01/2025 | 08:04
In 2025, Team Technipes #inEmiliaRomagna confirms its Continental license and presents itself at the starting line of the season with 16 athletes on the roster. The partnership of the sports group with the main sponsor Technipes, a solid company from Santarcangelo di Romagna and an international reference point in the industrial packaging of solid products, is renewed, manufacturing machines and systems for weighing, bagging, and packaging.
An added value for the #inEmiliaRomagna Cycling Team project, launched in 2019 by Davide Cassani's idea and promoted by APT Servizi Emilia Romagna and Consorzio Terrabici, which year after year consolidates itself with a high-profile staff and brilliant experiences in the Italian and international Continental landscape. For Technipes, founded in 1988, led by the Barosi family and chaired by Raffaele Barosi, this is the third season of activity in Elite and Under 23 cycling.
"We started the collaboration with Team Technipes #inEmiliaRomagna – recalls Technipes President Raffaele Barosi - recognizing in this passionate and competent team the characteristics that have guided us as a company since 1988. Just as we are now over 110 employees in the company, with exports worldwide, from Europe to the Far East, Americas and Africa, with offices in Dubai and the USA, this group of athletes is also making its way seriously in the national and international cycling landscape".
The Team Technipes #inEmiliaRomagna thus continues its objective of accompanying young cycling talents in their competitive journey, offering them a professional environment, a top-level staff, and cutting-edge tools, also contributing to promoting the Emilian-Romagnol territory in Italy and worldwide through the cycling activity of its young ambassadors. Confirmed is the core of the team's staff chaired by Gianni Carapia: technicians Francesco Chicchi, Michele Coppolillo, and Mauro Calzoni, with project manager Gian Luca Giardini, are ready to guide the group born from Davide Cassani's initiative in 2025.
Technipes, as mentioned, continues to support the team with great enthusiasm to consolidate after two years of collaboration that have seen twelve successes, including Ludovico Crescioli's stage victory at the 2024 Tour de l'Avenir, numerous national team call-ups, and important training experiences among professionals and abroad in about ten countries worldwide. In both years with the Continental license, Team Technipes #inEmiliaRomagna has been a springboard towards Professional formations: such is the case of Alessandro Monaco (Team Corratec - Vini Fantini) in 2024 and Ludovico Crescioli (Team Polti VisitMalta) for 2025, joining Manuele Tarozzi (VF Group - Bardiani CSF - Faizanè) who had already been launched by the #inEmiliaRomagna Cycling Team U23 project.
The 2025 roster of Team Technipes #inEmiliaRomagna The Team Technipes #inEmiliaRomagna will be represented in 2025 by 16 riders. Six riders are confirmed from 2024: Nicholas Scarpelli, in his third year as U23, and second-year riders Tommaso Alunni, Pietro Dapporto, Marco Martini, Filippo Omati, and Pietro Sterbini. Added to this core of riders are ten promising athletes: Riccardo Archetti and Luca Bagnara, coming from the 2024 Polti-Kometa development team; Samuele Bonetto (Zalf Euromobil Désirée Fior), Adam Bronakowski (Pool Cantù 1999 - GB Junior Team), Alessandro Cattani (Rime Drali), Matteo Gabelloni (Uc Casano), Thomas Bolognesi, Leonardo Meccia, and Ivan Toselli (Vangi Sama Ricambi Il Pirata). Along with the fifteen U23 riders, there is also Luca Martignago, born in 2002, the only Elite rider, who returned to racing in 2024 with the Solme-Olmo jersey after being an Italian champion among beginners, before continuing an important youth career in skiing. The collaboration between Technipes and Team Technipes #inEmiliaRomagna is an example of synergy between business, sport, and territorial promotion, with the common goal of reaching new milestones. In the coming weeks, other important team partnerships for 2025 will be announced.

The 2025 riders of Team Technipes #inEmiliaRomagna:
Tommaso Alunni (2005)
Riccardo Archetti (2005)
Luca Bagnara (2003)
Thomas Bolognesi (2006)
Samuele Bonetto (2003)
Adam Bronakowski (2006)
Alessandro Cattani (2005)
Pietro Dapporto (2005)
Matteo Gabelloni (2006)
Luca Martignago (2002)
Marco Martini (2005)
Leonardo Meccia (2006)
Filippo Omati (2005)
Nicholas Scarpelli (2004)
Pietro Sterbini (2005)
Ivan Toselli (2006)

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