CYCLOCROSS | 07/01/2025 | 08:09
We have entered the most anticipated week of the entire national cyclocross season, the week of the Italian Championships in Faè di Oderzo. The Organizing Committee of the "Sportivi del Ponte" will open the curtain on the national event on Friday, January 10th with official track trials from 2:30 PM to 5:30 PM. From 4 PM at the Secretary area located in the tent structure set up in Via Gherle, about 50 meters from the finish line, it will be possible to perform card verification operations, after which, at 6 PM, the technical meeting will be held.
The first racing day will be Saturday 11th with the assignment of 18 national jerseys for Master categories starting from 9:30 AM while in the afternoon, at 2:30 PM and 3:30 PM respectively, the Team Relay Master and Agonisti races will take place, preceded at 1:30 PM by a Youth Team Relay, with official and mixed teams, not valid for the Italian title. In this regard, it is noted that the regulations and participation form for this last race, to be submitted completed at the secretariat, can be downloaded from the web page
The show at Borgo Barattin will reach its peak on Sunday, January 12th with the assignment of 6 individual titles in 6 separate races with the first start for the male juniors category at 9:15 AM and the last at 3 PM for Elite men, subject to slight modifications related to the TV schedule.
A live coverage by Raisport is indeed expected from 2 PM to 4:10 PM, while for the audience present in the finish/awards area, there will be the possibility to follow all the Italian championship races on a large screen set up for the occasion. The large audience that traditionally floods the Ciclocross del Ponte this year will be able to enjoy a route that will present many technical points including, in addition to the usual ditch crossings and slippery curves under the small woods in the box area, also interesting novelties such as overcoming a long sandy stretch in the Secretary Area, to be tackled at the end of a slow curve, and the passage on an artificial bridge near the tent structure dedicated to the Refreshment Area.
The Faè di Oderzo route, notoriously variable in its difficulty based on weather conditions, could become very challenging during the national event because, with some reliability, on Thursday 9th, on the eve of the Championships, a day of persistent rain is forecast while during the race days the sun will shine. It will therefore be a guaranteed show with athletes called to give their best in a muddy context that will not disappoint expectations. Regarding the UCI categories, moreover, not only will the challenge for the national jersey be inflamed but the Ciclocross del Ponte will also be the definitive testing ground to deserve the call, by CT Daniele Pontoni, to the upcoming World Championships in Lievin three weeks before their taking place.

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