JUSTICE | 05/12/2024 | 08:25
di Federico Balconi, avvocato
Domenico Pozzovivo turns to ZEROSBATTI following an incident during his training.
The fact: two cyclists pedal in an inhabited center, side by side. These are two professionals, therefore experienced riders, traveling at about 40 km per hour, riding side by side in a composed manner.
Riding two abreast is not only allowed (art. 182 highway code), but is also a maneuver recommended in many European countries, because it allows the driver to become aware of the presence of cyclists, prevents them from overtaking if there are no space and safety conditions, and in case performs the maneuver with less space-time use compared to cyclists in single file.
We add that it avoids the infamous and extremely dangerous "close pass", responsible for often tragic outcomes!
The two cyclists are followed, for several kilometers, for the good time of two carabinieri, until the latter decide to pull up alongside them and invite them, without too many explanations, to follow them.
After a few kilometers, the two cyclists, Domenico Pozzovivo and Diego Ulissi, realize they have arrived at the Police Station. Here they are identified, and Domenico is handed a ticket with a fine, with a not too courteous invitation to sign and pay the "immediate" sanction, with a warning that otherwise they would not have been able to release him...
The cyclist, cold and quite confused by the situation, signs the ticket and pays.

Art 201 highway code

This article of the highway code indicates the methods by which Law Enforcement are required to deliver the fine: if immediately contested, the ticket must be notified within one hundred days from the violation's ascertainment, while for non-residents the notification must be made within three hundred and sixty days from the ascertainment.
Article 201 of the Highway Code therefore provides that, for non-residents, notification must be made within 360 days of the infraction's ascertainment. Only if there is a vehicle registered in a European Community member state could the agent demand the payment of a deposit, and in case of non-payment, an administrative vehicle seizure would be triggered.
By paying the fine, in fact, one loses the right to challenge it, with a serious violation of the right to defense (Constitutionally guaranteed by art. 24). But there is more to consider in the behavior of Public Officials, who are required to provide correct information and not coerce citizens without reason: to identify an individual, it is sufficient to take all the data, or the identity card, without there being a need, in the absence of further elements, to take them to the police station. Moreover, prospecting an unjust damage (if you don't pay, I won't let you go) could configure a rather serious criminal hypothesis. Article 317 of the penal code punishes the public official who, by abusing his quality or powers, compels someone to give him or a third party, money or other utility improperly...
We have therefore collected the version and testimony of the two riders, transferring the case to the Public Prosecutor's Office, precisely to verify the correctness or otherwise of the military's conduct, reiterating that in case of a stop we can demand:
1) Not to follow the military to the police station if we can provide our identity
2) Not to pay the fine if we consider it unjust
3) Not to sign any ticket and demand notification to the residential address.
The ZEROSBATTI association intervenes with specialized lawyers in defense of associated cyclists, both in case of accident or any adversity that has legal consequences, guaranteeing immediate assistance.

Copyright © TBW
5 dicembre 2024 12:08 Hal3Al
ricordavo fosse possibile è permesso a seconda delle condizioni viaggiare affiancati e sinceramente con tutto il rispetto perl'arma ho pensato che la pattuglia avesse tempo da perdere rispetto alla presunta violazione con un comportamento fin troppo zelante rispetto alle violazioni del traffico da parte di noi automobilisti.

Utile vademecum
5 dicembre 2024 13:25 lupin3
da stampare e che ogni ciclista dovrebbe portare ad ogni uscita. Fateci sapere gli sviluppi del caso. Grazie

5 dicembre 2024 15:31 fido113
Stampo e metto in tasca pronto ad esibire all'occorrenza. grazie

Mi sembrava strano
5 dicembre 2024 16:48 Bullet
Mi è parso subito anomalo che fossero stati condotti in caserma perché per identificare una persona non è assolutamente necessario. A questo punto e visto il modus operandi delle forze dell'ordine il titolo della vicenda poteva essere tutt'altro e non con protagonisti i due che a questo punto direi malcapitati.

5 dicembre 2024 22:52 fedex
Art. 182. Circolazione dei velocipedi.

I ciclisti devono procedere su unica fila in tutti i casi in cui le condizioni della circolazione lo richiedano e, comunque, mai affiancati in numero superiore a due; quando circolano fuori dai centri abitati devono sempre procedere su unica fila, salvo che uno di essi sia minore di anni dieci e proceda sulla destra dell’altro.

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