MERCATO | 24/09/2019 | 07:42

Michal Golas continuerà la sua carriera con il Team INEOS dopo aver firmato il prolungamento del contratto per un anno. L'ex campione nazionale polacco è uno deigregari più affidabili e mette la sua grande esperienza e al servizio della squadra.

Commentando il rinnovo con il Team Ineos Golas ha dichiarato: «Questo prolungamento è un grande stimolo e mi dà tanta motivazione, sono davvero grato che il team abbia mostrato fiducia in me. Ho trovato una squadra in cui conosco il mio posto e il mio ruolo. Penso di poter essere competitivo ancora per un paio di stagionie mi piacerebbe chiudere la mia carriera con questa maglia sulle spalle» spiega il corridore polacco che è professionista da ormai 13 stagioni.

E ancora: «Dalla mia ho tanta esperienza che può essere utile per il nostro gruppo davvero forte di giovani ragazzi. Molti di loro sono più giovani di me di 10 anni e io cerco di aiutarli il più possibile sulla strada, ma anche nella vita e offro loro tutti i consigli che posso dare».


Michal Golas will continue his career with Team INEOS after signing a new one-year contract extension.

The former Polish national champion is one of the sport’s most dependable support riders and brings great experience and leadership to the team.
On continuing his journey with the team, Golas said: “This contract extension is a big boost of motivation and I’m really thankful that the team showed confidence in me. I’ve found a team where I know my place and my role. 
“I still have a couple of years to ride and I can still show my good form. I’m thinking about finishing my career on this team.”
With 13 years at the pro level under his belt, Golas is keen to pass on his knowledge to the young riders of Team INEOS wherever he can.
He added: “I have some experience and we now have a really strong group of young guys. Most of them are more than 10 years younger than me. I try to help them out as much as I can on the road, but also from the other side. Sometimes I try to give them some advice and if they want to listen, I’m happy.”

2019 has been a strong season for Golas, with the 35 year old contributing to some impressive overall victories, at both the Tour de Yorkshire and on his home roads at the Tour de Pologne.
Reflecting on Tour de Yorkshire, the team’s first race – and victory – in Team INEOS colours, he said: “I think Yorkshire was one of the best races this year. It’s a great atmosphere and we had a nice group there. It was something special. The team changed colours and it opened a new chapter in our history – we wanted to start it with a big bang. The young guys maybe didn’t really believe we could do it but on the last stage we played it really smart. We showed our strength as a team and everything played out perfectly.”
Consistency is key for Golas, with the Pole eyeing a number of targets in the next few seasons.
He added: “Going forward I would like remain very consistent. I’d like to target the Giro and help the guys to win there. I know I could play an important goal in this race. Of course, there’s the Tokyo Olympics and this could be my third Olympics. Really, I just hope to continue on a good level. That was always my goal – to finish my career with a great team at the top.”

Coach Dario Cioni is full of praise for the way Golas supports the team, on and off the bike. He explained: “Michal has been part of the team for a long time. He’s an important team player and he has a lot of experience. He knows the big races, but he is also an asset in other races where he can help our younger riders to develop. He can also support the work of the coaches and Sport Directors when it comes to helping out these emerging talents. 
“Every time he lines up for a race you know what you are going to get from him. He’s always ready to deliver and help the team.”

Copyright © TBW
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