WOMEN | 22/03/2025 | 08:18
di Francesca Monzone

Today, for the first time, there will be the Sanremo Women, a race yet to be discovered, in which most teams have decided to have a sprinter as captain. Instead, there will be strong attacks, and this is the thinking of both Lotte Kopecky and Demi Vollering, who will be inspired by Tadej Pogacar to attack on the Poggio. Besides Kopecky and Vollering, attention will be on Marianne Vos, Lorena Wiebes, and Elisa Balsamo, as well as Puck Pieterse. In short, the women's race also promises to be full of attacks, with the Cipressa and Poggio serving as the backdrop for this first all-female Spring Classic.

Tadej Pogacar will wear the world champion jersey in the men's race, and Lotte Kopecky will do the same in the women's race. If the Belgian and the Slovenian were to win today, it would be the first time in cycling history to have two world champions winning Milan-Sanremo together. "I haven't been racing for a long time, so I'm very motivated. This race is a great addition to our calendar" – said Lotte Kopecky - "But it's the first time I'm coming back after a long break, so it's difficult to predict how the race will go. I think the 160-kilometer distance is perfect, even though others say the race should have been longer".

This is the first edition of the women's Milan-Sanremo and the fourth Monument Classic added to the women's calendar, after Tour of Flanders, Paris-Roubaix, and Liège-Bastogne-Liège. It will be exciting to see how teams will organize themselves after Capo Mele and if this first victory will be decided in a sprint or with an attack on the Poggio.

For Kopecky too, it's a matter of hypotheses, and only during the race will it be possible to understand how the finale will develop. "I've done a reconnaissance of the Cipressa and Poggio. Everyone is hypothesizing a scenario similar to the men's, but we still have to see how we'll tackle the climbs. We must wait and see how I'll feel while climbing, but I'm certain it will be an exciting race".

Lotte Kopecky has decided to make her seasonal debut with Milan-Sanremo, but her objectives will involve the entire spring. "With the team, we've planned everything and decided that this year I would start racing later. I'm starting with Milan-Sanremo, but I want to be good in the Ardennes Classics too".

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