MOURNING | 17/03/2025 | 11:52
di Valter Nieri

The city of Lucca is in mourning for the passing of renowned entrepreneur Enzo Berti, whose funeral is taking place today at 3 PM in the Church of S.Anna. Enzo, beyond being part of the generation that made Lucchese entrepreneurship history, with his brands "Elia Berti e Figli" and "Berti Arredamenti", sponsored the Fanini Team, becoming in the 70s-80s a symbol of successes never repeated by any other team, managing to leave a profound mark in cycling history with colors that all the most promising Italian cyclists aspired to wear in amateur categories.

"For me, Enzo was like an additional brother," says a moved Ivano Fanini, Patron of Amore e Vita, "and even when I founded my professional teams in 1984, I wanted him among the official sponsors. As we moved up categories, his sponsorship significantly increased the Brand's value. Like me, he ventured into entrepreneurship in search of success, and we were united by ambition and sacrifice to keep climbing higher, to the point that my teams won five world titles during those years, and I remember his joy after each success. Many jerseys of my cyclists with the Elia Berti e figli and Berti Arredamenti sponsor have become iconic pieces over time, and those who wore them will remain in history for being the only ones to do so. We were promoters of a historic partnership between the Fanini and Berti brothers, who across various categories boast more than a thousand registered members and over a thousand victories."

When talking about world champions, the reference is particularly to five titles won in the junior category with Mario Cipollini, Rolf Sorensen, Soren Lilholt, and Alex Pedersen. Cyclists who contributed with unwavering determination to achieve success through passion and perseverance, becoming an example even in their countries of origin. Thanks to the trust granted by the Fanini brothers, they managed to establish themselves on the road in national championships and some of the most coveted Italian classics. Italian titles in the 70s-80s, as well as Tuscan and provincial titles, are countless. In all cycling seasons at Segromigno Piano, where the team was based with Michele Fanini preparing the bicycles, there was a continuous flow of cyclists from every category.

All this happened before Ivano Fanini founded the first professional team that launched towards a glorious career, among others, Cesare Cipollini, Mario Cipollini, Michele Bartoli, Jan Petersen, Andrea Tafi, and Pierangelo Morelli. "Fanini Berti Arredamenti" thanks to Ivano Fanini was also a sponsor on the jerseys of Coppi Lunata, Porcari, Bozzano, Fanini-Berti-Lucchese, and many others spread even outside the provincial territory.

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di Valter Nieri
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