HISTORY | 16/03/2025 | 08:10

Photos speak, tell stories, remember... That of a young but already world champion Giuseppe Bergomi wearing the Amore & Vita jersey is undoubtedly a rare gem, a kind of Gronchi rosa in the rich heritage of the Fanini museum directed by Stefano Bendinelli, which represents a window into cycling history, with everything that Ivano Fanini, patron of various teams, has built in the world of racing.

It was Ivano Fanini himself who discovered this image in his archive. "We were in Milan, I had established Amore & Vita as everyone knows, choosing the name together with Pope Wojtyla and the regional president of Lombardy Formigoni, who was the honorary president of Amore & Vita. He told me about a special event that would involve sports champions, singers, and other VIPs. The race was called the 'Giorgio Menegalli Trophy'. DJ singer Ringo was there, along with champions like Di Basco (awarded by two champions like Gimondi and Adorni), Fondriest, former World Champion, and Allocchio. It was a real bicycle race. Formigoni told me to bring the jerseys of my team to take photos," and this can be put on the same level as that of the Ferrari driver Leclerc in Viareggio, very young with our jersey, but we must also remember Robbie Williams, the legendary English singer, with the Fanini-Pepsi jersey from 1989. After so much time, this image of Bergomi has resurfaced and brought back memories of that period."

A photo that will probably be celebrated on June 3rd, when the former Inter captain, winner of the record-breaking championship and three UEFA Cups, as well as one of the most appreciated TV commentators on Sky, will be a guest at the Sports Loyalty Award curated by Valter Nieri, at the Country Club of Gragnano, for its 26th edition. Excellent names are already emerging who will receive the golden sphinx minted by Giampaolo Bianchi. Among these, besides the "uncle", Roberto Donadoni, multi-decorated Milan champion (6 championships, three European Cups, 2 Intercontinental Cups, 3 European Super Cups), before embarking on his coaching career. For him, also a long stint in the national team with 63 appearances and 5 goals. Bergomi will also receive the third memorial prize for Gigi Simoni. Last year, the event exceeded the threshold of 500 personalities who have over time received the golden sphinx, including 41 Olympic champions in 34 events, sometimes including the recognition of emerging young talents. The honorary president, Stefano Gori, the "baronet" of Lucchese sports, will not be missing. Nieri is working on the other guests of the event, all big names in sports.

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