TUTTOBICI | 06/02/2025 | 08:25
di Paolo Broggi e Danilo Viganò

The first races of the season have arrived, Europe is about to wear its traditional clothes as the reference continent for the two-wheel world, and therefore there couldn't be a better moment to discover the new forces of Italian cycling. We propose a multi-stage journey to discover the new faces of our movement: we will talk about neo-professionals, riders who have landed in the Development Teams of major squads, Italian Continental teams, and our guys racing around the world. Are you ready? Let's start and... pedal with us!


The last installment of our investigation is dedicated to Italians racing... around the world. After studying neo-professionals, riders in the Development Teams of major squads, and the rosters of Italian Continental teams, we're going to discover the riders, young and less young, who are racing in foreign Continental teams. Some of these have an Italian soul in terms of roster and technicians, while others are exotic and unknown to most.

One of the teams with an Italian matrix is the Japanese JCL Team Ukyo, directed by Alberto Volpi and with Manuele Boaro in the team car. Here race a young emerging talent like Andrea D'Amato, an experienced category rider like Nicolò Garibbo (tuttoBICI elite award in 2023) and two athletes like Alessandro Fancellu and Simone Raccani who - with different prospects and timelines - have already experienced professionalism and are seeking redemption.

Among the most exotic teams is the Rwandan May Stars where the twenty-six-year-old Veronese Alessio Gasparini races, not new to experiences in distant lands, having worn the jersey of Venezuela Java Kiwi Atlantico in 2022, Galician Retelec in 2023, and Moroccan Sidi Ali last year.

Italian matrix also for the Mexican Petrolike guided by team manager Marco Bellini and with Andrea Peschi in the technical staff: the three Italians are the 22-year-old Filippo D'Aiuto and the 23-year-old Lorenzo Peschi (ex General Store) and the 24-year-old Lorenzo Galimberti (ex Biesse).

Three Italians race in the Austrian Hrinkow Advarics: the 27-year-old Brianza native Giacomo Ballabio, coming from two seasons in New Zealand's Global 6 Cycling, the thirty-year-old Varese rider Edward Ravasi, ex UAE and Eolo Kometa, and the 27-year-old Paduan Riccardo Verza, confirmed for the third season.

Also in Austria, in the Team Vorarlberg, continues the adventure of the son of art Alexander Konychev, 26 years old, also with a professional past in the current Jayco AlUla.

Another team of Italian matrix is the Monzon - Incolor - Gub which races with a Romanian license but is directed by Stefano Giuliani: the Italian riders are the twenty-year-old Jacopo Militello and the 29-year-old Filippo Tagliani, who raced two years as a pro in teams directed by Gianni Savio.

In Hungary, the 27-year-old Andrea Colnaghi has landed, who in the last two seasons was an amateur with the Onec Team: he will race in the Karcag Cycling Epkar Team.

In Portugal, finally, races the 33-year-old Peter Cevini, a Pavia rider who has practically toured the world and is now with the APHotels & Resort / Tavira / Sc Farense.

To all of them, I wish to realize their competitive dreams and in any case to keep the colors of Italian cycling high around the world.

4 -END

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