CYCLOCROSS | 11/01/2025 | 08:08
We have reached the big day, which kicks off the races of the Italian Cyclocross Championship for international and amateur categories. The "Sportivi del Ponte" of Fae', a small fraction of the Archaeological City of Oderzo, have set up, as organizers of the Ciclocross del Ponte, as this event now in its twenty-second edition is called, a top-level national event. The organizational capacity of Mirko Barattin, supported by a group of families united by passion for cycling, friendship, and volunteering, namely the "Sportivi del Ponte", ensure that nothing is impossible in an unfavorable logistical context, realizing what was a dream nurtured for many years and has now become a reality.
The welcome reserved for the 500 registered for the 2025 Italian Championship has been the best, as the Organizing Committee has given each participant a race package containing some of the typical food and wine products of the territory, so that everyone can take with them and savor the value of productivity and tradition of the Marca Trevigiana.
The race program is extremely rich and will already see today the assignment of 18 national jerseys among amateur categories and 8 jerseys for the winning athletes of the 2 Team Relay competitions. Also registered are about sixty young boys and girls from the beginner and junior female and male categories for a team relay race that, however, is not part of the official Absolute program but will serve as an interlude between the morning amateur races and the afternoon team relays valid for the Italian title.
The apotheosis in Fae' di Oderzo will be tomorrow with the individual races of all UCI categories in which the best interpreters of the national scene will compete for the Junior, Under 23, and Elite Women and Men titles. Rustic challenges are anticipated because the abundant rains have made the Ciclocross del Ponte course more challenging, with critical points including an artificial bridge, a sandy stretch, crossing eleven ditches, and a very insidious counter-slope that will create sure suspense until the final moments of the race.

Regarding the detailed race program, affiliated hotels, logistical references for the Camper Area and Team Area, we invite you to consult the website and the Facebook page dedicated to the International Ciclocross del Ponte, remembering that for those not yet arrived in Borgo Barattin, Team Area and Camper Area are not bookable. Additionally, from the same web page, it is possible to enter the WhatsApp Community of the national event to always stay updated on the latest news. Press accreditations can be requested by email to and can be collected in the "Secretariat Area".

For all those who will not be present to cheer on all the cross riders participating in the Italian Championships, it is confirmed that the live broadcast on Raisport will be tomorrow, Sunday, January 12th, from 2:40 PM to 4:00 PM, while on Raiplay it will start from 1:50 PM. It will also be possible to follow all the races of the event by streaming on the Facebook channel of the International Ciclocross del Ponte.

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