JUNIORS | 10/01/2025 | 08:08 First group outings for Team Autozai Contri, which completed the second of two planned retreats during the Christmas period last weekend. After gathering at the Veronello Resort Sports Center in Calmasino from December 27 to 30, the team led by Sports Director Fausto Boreggio closed its first work session of 2025 in the Treviso area, staying at the Calinferno Hotel in Codognè from January 2 to 5. "These two retreats served for the guys to get to know each other and for us to understand how they are responding to new workloads," says DS Boreggio. "The weather conditions allowed us to go out and put kilometers in our legs, so we are satisfied. From the second-year riders, we already have precise indications; they started with a different mental condition and approach compared to last year, and they are working very well. Particularly Alessio Magagnotti, who is fast-tracking to be at the top when the important races begin. First-year riders clearly should not rush because the path is long, but they have the right attitude. The sensations are very positive. Now the guys will continue to follow the programs of our athletic trainer Giacomo Conti, and from here until the next retreat, which will be in mid-February in Spain, we will meet during weekends, always alternating between gym and road work." And further: "Objectives? Last year we wrote a beautiful page in this team's history, now we must restart with the awareness that there is much work to do, other teams have strengthened themselves, some in particular have moved very well, so it will be a high-level season," continues Boreggio. "We will try to develop the first-year riders, as is the philosophy of this society, and continue our growth path. The calendar is demanding, so to be competitive, management and the Vighini family have made important investments in vehicle fleet and logistics. This year we have also started a collaboration with a nutritionist who can help us make an additional quality leap. We give the riders the possibility to manage their basic program, then it is clear that on our part there is full interest that they rely on a specialist to optimize workloads with a tailored nutritional program. It is an aspect we are focusing on a lot because it will be a season with very tight rhythms, and the body must respond at its best. We will almost always race with two teams and alternate between regional races and international or overseas races, for which we are already receiving invitations. We will try to mix the athletes, the goal is that everyone responds well and is functional to the team system we are creating."
2025 ROSTER OF TEAM AUTOZAI CONTRI Second year: Melsan Idrizi, Alessio Magagnotti, Thomas Melotto, Matteo Sanarini. First year: Andrea Furlanis, Thomas Mariotto and Mathias Paludetti (from S.S. Sanfiorese), Andrea Melis (from S.C. Torrile), Marco Pierotto (from S.C. Padovani), Edoardo Riccadona (from FDB Cologna Veneta) Fabio Rossignoli and Matteo Sanavia (from G.S. Luc Bovolone), Manuel Salmaso (from Ciclistica Monselice).
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