CYCLOCROSS | 29/12/2024 | 08:20
di Alessandro Brambilla
"Follow your heart" is a famous novel written in 1994. Evidently Jakob Dorigoni is literally following the advice of writer Susanna Tamaro. His heart definitely leads Jakob towards mountain bike, takes him away from road cycling and allows him sporadic winter flirtations with cyclocross. In the 2024-25 cross season, Dorigoni made his cyclocross debut only near Christmas. The South Tyrolean from Torpado-Kenda team won in Forlì with a 2'20" margin over the 2nd place, De Longhi.
Then Jakob finished 2nd on the meadows and paths of Castello di Roganzuolo, in the Treviso area, preceded by local rider Filippo Fontana. Dorigoni was born on March 10, '98 in Bolzano and lives in Vadena. He grew up with the label of a prodigy, especially in cyclocross, a discipline in which he has won 7 Italian Champion jerseys in international categories. His palmares also includes the Italian Elite Championship victory in January 2022 in Variano di Basiliano, the "stronghold" of Italian national coach Daniele Pontoni. In the cold Friulian Sunday, Dorigoni triumphed thanks to muscles and riding skills, resisting Pippo Fontana's fierce chase at the end - who, despite still being an under-23, wanted to boldly wear the tricolor jersey in front of older athletes. Instead, in the 2024 elite national race in Cremona, Pippo Fontana prevailed over Jakob.
"My cross activity" - says Dorigoni - "is aimed at improving myself in marathon mountain bike races". He will participate in the Casale sul Sile cyclocross on December 31st, then plans to return to the scene at the Italian Championship in Faè di Oderzo. "Two days after the national race in Faè, which I will race with great determination - adds Jakob, former standard-bearer of the Guerciotti team - I will fly to Calpe, Spain, with the Torpado team. We must prepare the 2025 season in grand style. In 2024 on mountain bike I won 2 races: too few, I want more for myself and the sponsors".
The South Tyrolean does not close the door to one or more call-ups to the Cyclocross National Team for the end of this winter season: "If CT Pontoni decides to call me, I will join him and race the cyclocross race or races. Many planes take off from Spain, it won't be a problem to reach the National Team".
In addition to winning in youth categories, Dorigoni also achieved road successes as an under-23. During his time with General Store, as an under-23, he won the Briga Novarese classic in just a few days, ahead of many highly rated elite riders, and the Lamporecchio classic. Classy numbers following the example of the unbeatable Mathieu Van Der Poel. However, Jakob has set aside road activity, making many enthusiasts turn up their noses: "I couldn't reconcile road and off-road in the best way. To emerge on the road, it's necessary to participate in stage races too, and I wasn't doing that. I don't like doing things halfway, I preferred to head towards off-road, more specifically mountain bike. I'm not sorry for having abandoned road activity".
Regarding cross activity, Jakob's performance is already high. "I'm definitely faster compared to the end of 2023 and early 2024. I need to work to grow towards summer: I have the European and World Marathon Championships 2025 in my sights". The marathon choice, meaning long distance, is motivated: "To obtain important results in cross country, you need to participate in many races and maintain a high UCI points. This way you start in the first or second row: in short circuit races, it's essential". The next Marathon World Championship will take place in Switzerland in the Valais Canton on September 6, 2025. The European title will be awarded in Casella (Genoa) on June 8. "I hope to bring important medals to Italy in these two events".

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