TUTTOBICI | 25/03/2025 | 08:30
di Cristiano Gatti

It's a particular year, as all years are, a particular year for many particular riders, but 2025 is a particularly special year for us Italians and for our Italian Ganna. He is, without offending others, and indeed to their benefit by reducing their pressure, our hope and flag for reviving our cycling.

Certainly Tiberi at the Giro, certainly Milan coming up, certainly Ciccone always there, but if we have a real and undisputable chance of reclaiming certain trophies, at the moment this is only linked to Ganna's name. On the eve of his next 29 years (July 25th), his maturation is now complete, and above all, it seems that a decisive choice has finally been made: this time focusing on the road, this time focusing on the classics. He's had everything from the track, from the road he must still gain everything. God willing, we'll see.

There's no need to be a guru to understand that Filippo has all the credentials for certain Monuments. He talks about Sanremo and Roubaix, perhaps the walls are a bit too explosive for his tractor-like nature, but it's understood that on certain terrains he has perfect pace and posture. I, who notoriously don't understand a thing, say Roubaix more than Sanremo. I can't wait to see him maneuvering with the two Van's in the French countryside, better taking the cobblestone sections, stretching, coming back, always with that splendid position in the saddle that distinguishes him and the other two, as if they were always riding on carpet.

Beating them is a feat, but if there's an Italian who after many years can accomplish this feat, it's precisely Ganna. If he adds a minimum of cunning to his strength, he goes with all the credentials on par with the others. And if he then has to suffer in the velodrome sprint, it's not a problem: we'll start by arriving there, in the last ring, alongside the number ones, then the rest is abundant. Before that, however, one must believe. We dream the impossible to put it in our pocket.

It's evident: the last step Ganna must take is mental. The most difficult. Reinventing himself as a classics specialist, but of true, serious, eternal classics, after a whole life doing something else, between track and time trials. It's not a self-restructuring that comes easily. But it's already valorous of him to try. He could have ended his career in his comfort zone, winning more time trials and medals, who would have reproached him. Instead, Filippo puts himself back in the game and accepts the risk. Sometimes there's nothing like throwing yourself in, to later regret not having dared before.

Of course, he's not alone. I find it providential, from this point of view, the long-awaited arrival of Marco Villa at the national road team (for once, 10 out of 10 to President Dagnoni, if he doesn't get big-headed). Few know Ganna like Villa, I won't even explain why, and the idea of finding him close even in his new profession of classics hunter can only add something. Also in a national perspective, why not: on certain routes, Ganna has everything to be the sole captain and deserve a team built specifically for him, like a wedding dress.

The rest is all around. In this new challenge, the total challenge, Ganna is not alone especially because he has an entire Country behind him. Cycling in particular has a backlogged hunger, a wolf-like hunger, but the entire population is showing a rediscovery of passion and idolatry for true, complete champions, like a kind of removal of the so-called "characters" (eccentric, unhinged) in favor of simple people, in the vein of Sinner, Brignone, Bagnaia. From bad boys to good boys, to put it simply. In this new aesthetic, Ganna would fit perfectly. He practically has everything, to break through he's missing only one detail: becoming a Mr. Roubaix.

from tuttoBICI March issue

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