PROFESSIONALS | 22/03/2025 | 17:44
di Francesca Monzone

Filippo Ganna smiles as he descends from the podium, holding the trophy for second place in the 116th Milan-Sanremo: "I'm happy because I saw someone who has won more classics than the fingers on one hand finish ahead of me. The team was perfect, and I think we should be pleased with what we've done. Of course, those two made me lose more years of my life than anything else..."

The only note of regret concerns the sprint on Via Roma: "If I can criticize myself about something, it's the sprint - perhaps I shouldn't have let Van Der Poel launch it, but I truly believe we couldn't have done more today. I climbed the Poggio at my own pace, and then I took risks on the descent to get back: I don't think I could have done better, but I'll return to try and win".

The Piedmontese rider truly fought hard and managed to chase and then stay with Mathieu Van der Poel and Tadej Pogacar first on the Cipressa and then on the Poggio. The final 4 kilometers for Ganna turned into a true time trial, with an unprecedented pursuit that brought him to the second step of the podium, behind Van der Poel and ahead of the world champion Pogacar.

"I think I've had one of my best performances ever: as a team, we also did an excellent job. I couldn't have done more than this".

The second place in Sanremo is almost a victory for the Piedmontese rider because he knew he had to compete with riders who have won almost everything in their careers. "In front of me was the current world champion and another who has also been world champion. These are athletes who have won Monument Classics and grand tours, they've won so much that I wouldn't even know how to list it all. I know I gave my maximum and truly couldn't have asked for more".

The show in Sanremo was there, and the public from Capo Mele and then on the Cipressa and Poggio witnessed an extraordinary spectacle, with three great champions who truly gave many emotions to those following the race from the roadside or on television. "I think a Sanremo like this hadn't been seen for a while. We all tried to do well, and I in particular wanted to give my best. I'm satisfied and I don't feel I can blame myself because I arrived with the best I had".

On the Cipressa and Poggio, it wasn't easy to stay behind Van der Poel and Pogacar, so Ganna decided to climb at his own pace, then catch them in the long straight towards Via Roma. "I tried to go regularly, at my own pace without overdoing it, because in the end I couldn't climb more. In front of me were two more explosive riders, but in the end, it went well like this". Pippo has only one regret regarding the finale and is convinced that in the last 500 meters he could have done something. "The only regret maybe is not anticipating Mathieu's first attack in the sprint. So I take home another second place and that's fine".

The public cheered Ganna throughout the entire race, and applause accompanied him to the finish line. "As I said, I think I've had one of the best performances of my life and I want to thank all the public, who from the Poggio to the finish line urged me not to give up".

Ganna raced his eighth Milan-Sanremo today and has already obtained two second places. The boy from Verbania is confident and thinks that one day the Spring Classic could become his. "There have been men who won after 14 years and as far as I'm concerned, I'm very confident, let's hope we take less time because that would be a long wait".

Now Ganna will take a few days of rest and go to see his sister's graduation. Then he'll return to racing and perhaps with the desire to be among the most competitive at the next Paris-Roubaix. "For my Roubaix? We're almost a month away, so let's wait. I have many things to do. There are the lead-up races to Roubaix and then I'll go home because my sister's graduation is happening, so it's right that beyond work, there's space for family. There must also be normal life, you can't just be workers".

The Ineos-Grenadiers rider enjoyed himself today because Sanremo is a unique race. "This is a race that maintains its unchanged charm and for me, being Italian, it's something unique. For 300 kilometers I heard people shouting my name and this gives you an extra push. So thanks to everyone for the support and see you next time".

Copyright © TBW
Ganna 💪
22 marzo 2025 17:59 bendibike
Grande Ganna ha fatto una gara spettacolare, ma non ha colto l'attimo, prima delle ultime due curve quando gli rientra da dietro a velocità molto più alta, se spinge a sinistra, prende 4/5 metri , chi lo va a prendere perde la corsa, tante gare sono finite così, peccato, ma in futuro c'è la farà Ganna 💪

22 marzo 2025 18:18 Buzz66
Del senno di poi sono piene le fosse…hai fatto una corsa semplicemente fantastica.
Hai dato il 120%, non avere rimpianti e continua a crederci…BRAVISSIMO

Impeccabile fino alla volata
22 marzo 2025 19:03 comodi70
Se ci credeva di più alla fine avrebbe anche potuto sfiorare la vittoria. La volata non è stata perfetta. Doveva battezzare la ruota di Van del Poel e non lasciargli neanche 1 metro.

22 marzo 2025 20:23 Buzz66
Non sarebbe cambiato niente, Van der Poel quando parte da una velocità bassa ha uno scatto spaventoso e rifila 6/7 metri a chiunque, mi creda…Ganna ha fatto una corsa fantastica e la sua chance è saltata perché lo hanno fatto penare per rientrare.
Se si fossero guardati un po’ di più, come spesso succede, li avrebbe potuti sorprendere da dietro e passarli a doppia velocità…pazienza, ci riproverà

22 marzo 2025 22:56 Simsim
Che spettacolo! Che brividi! Grande il nostro Filippo

Stessa sensazione di Pippo
22 marzo 2025 22:59 Franco P.
Anche io la penso come Pippo, l'unica chance era di scattare prima di Vdp e invece gli ha dato quel secondo e mezzo che è stato decisivo. Però ci sta, grande lo stesso.

22 marzo 2025 23:06 Daghybarzi1
Puro spettacolo. Tre fenomeni.
Gara stupenda.

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Se non sei registrato clicca qui.

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