PROFESSIONALS | 22/03/2025 | 08:16
di Francesca Monzone

Tadej Pogacar is ready for Milan-Sanremo, the most unpredictable Monument Classic that he has not yet won. With almost 300 kilometers of racing and such a difficult finale to predict, this race is a mix of strength and strategy, framed by the beautiful Ligurian riviera. Will it be a sprint or a long-range attack? Pogacar has his precise plan and between a smile and a photo, his eyes are shining, because everyone knows he has set his sights on the first Monument Classic of the year.

"I struggled in the first days after Strade Bianche, but now I feel better - Pogacar quickly said in Pavia - I managed to train well and that's what matters".

Everything will have to be measured and calculated and mistakes in a race like Milan-Sanremo are not allowed. "It's a race we haven't won yet. Every small detail during the day could change everything during the race and for this we must be attentive".

Will it be the Poggio or the Cipressa where the Slovenian will attack today? "On the Cipressa or Poggio? Everything is possible, but attacking before the Cipressa would be useless, because we'll be going too fast on those short climbs".

The weather will play an important role, and the team will be crucial in tackling Cipressa and Poggio in the best way. The Slovenian is ready and wants to race well and he will do so as he always has: attacking and delivering blows that will hurt his opponents and, when he is sure he has shaken off all the dangerous riders, then he will enjoy racing towards the finish, to make the rainbow shine under the Via Roma finish line.

"I am ready for this battle. I still have wounds that haven't healed after Strade Bianche, but I managed to do good training sessions anyway".

The world champion didn't elaborate much in the mixed zone yesterday and wanted to emphasize that there will be other good cyclists in the race and that he is not the only favorite. Pogacar is calm and when asked about a possible victory on Via Roma, he responded laconically: "If you want to win, you have to cross the finish line first..."

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