PROFESSIONALS | 21/03/2025 | 08:25
di Angelo Costa

It remains the most enigmatic, the least predictable. Nibali won it, the last of ours to succeed in the last decade, Sagan, the most suitable of all, did not win it. Even Pogacar, who races like a Martian in the classics, has not yet made it his own. Of the classics that matter, Milan-Sanremo is the easiest and at the same time the most complicated: it winks at many, but does not give itself to everyone. It is the longest (289 kilometers from Pavia to the city of flowers), the most predictable in its script (over six hours of yawning before a formidable adrenaline rush with ten minutes up and down the Poggio) and has a charm that no great champion can resist. Of those already in the golden book, seven are at the start (Degenkolb, Kwiatkowski, Alaphilippe, Stuyven, Mohoric, Van der Poel and Philipsen). The last success in the rainbow jersey was by an Italian (Saronni, in 1983), and little has been seen of Italians in this millennium (five victories in total, the last seven years ago). Here are the ten most accredited faces to win the bike festival.

Tadej Pogacar. He wins because it's the challenge that intrigues him the most, because he has superior climbing power, because winning with the world champion's jersey is an extra stimulus. He doesn't win because this classic always has a way of disrupting even the strongest rider's plans.

Mathieu Van der Poel. He wins because he has more ways to do it, because he's always at the front in the finale of this classic, because he used Tirreno Adriatico this year to get in top shape. He doesn't win because he started the season late and his thoughts are mainly focused on the North.

Filippo Ganna. He wins because it's one of the classics most suited to his build, because his second place two years ago is a signal and not an episode, because he has never been as ready as this year. He doesn't win because there are those who have something more than him on short climbs.

Jasper Philipsen. He wins because he succeeded a year ago, because in spring he considers himself a classics rider and not just a sprinter, because in case of a sprint he has an extra gear compared to everyone else. He doesn't win because being bruised from a crash three days before the race doesn't help.

Mads Pedersen. He wins because he's going extremely fast, because he's the first option for a team that offers Stuyven and Milan as alternatives, because in the three editions he's raced, he's finished in the top six each time. He doesn't win because not loving this classic takes something away from him.

Tom Pidcock. He wins because he's in great form, because he doesn't drop on short climbs and isn't static in a sprint, because winning a major classic is his main goal. He doesn't win because he's been going strong for two months and fatigue might catch up with him.

Julian Alaphilippe. He wins because this is the classic he does best, because his new team is proving to be an extra stimulus, because he hasn't won this season but has helped his teammates win. He doesn't win because compared to the phenomena he seems to have something less.

Olav Kooij. He wins because he's one of the most in-form sprinters at the moment, because without Van Aert in the team he has more chances, because a year ago at his debut he was close to fighting for the victory. He doesn't win because the infernal pace in the finale will suffocate him and those like him.

Michael Matthews. He wins because he's raced at the front of Sanremo more than anyone, because after a second place and two thirds he can complete the job, because so far he's only raced Paris-Nice without exhausting himself. He doesn't win because at 35 years old, it might be a heavy tax in this cycling.

Biniam Girmay. He wins because this is one of the classics most suited to him, because he wants to become the first African to conquer a monument, because he's another who holds on climbs and has a sprint kick. He doesn't win because he hasn't raced for a month and might lack brilliance.

Copyright © TBW
21 marzo 2025 09:47 Stef83
E Milan???

21 marzo 2025 11:29 Bullet
Spero la mancanza di Milan sia per scaramanzia perché mettere Girmay e Alaphilippe e non Milan in questo periodo è un controsenso. Le sei ore di sbadigli come sempre sono quelli che non hanno l'occhio per le corse perché invece nella calma apparente del gruppo è sempre interessante vedere i movimenti dei big con le loro squadre e che colpo di pedale hanno.

Milan Milan Milan
21 marzo 2025 11:46 merijntje
Ho l'impressione che il signor Costa pensi che porti sfortuna nominare Milan. Per me Milan è il più favorito tra gli 'sprinter.'

Anche se sono olandese e amo follemente Van der Poel, mi piacerebbe comunque che vincesse Pogacar. L'iridato che vince la Primavera: hell yeah.

Ma ciò che conta davvero è vedere una corsa fenomenale.

21 marzo 2025 11:49 merijntje
(Come ha detto Bullet, non avevo ancora letto la sua reazione).

Milan no
21 marzo 2025 13:17 libero pensatore
Sono d'accordo con Costa perché la uae farà corsa dura

21 marzo 2025 13:35 Buzz66
Credo che sia ancora un po’ presto per indicarlo come candidato alla vittoria (soprattutto se hai in squadra un ex campione del mondo che sta volando…), ma è solo questione di tempo.
Avrà almeno altre cinque, sei Sanremo da potersi giocare per la vittoria.
PS ovviamente, spero di sbagliare…

21 marzo 2025 15:07 Robtrav
è il favoritissimo ma il suo essere anche l'unico che deve vincere per la UAE è anche il suo limite. Due anni fa pur partendo ad inizio Poggio riuscì a rimanere nel gruppetto in quattro principalmente per il grande buco che fece Trentin. Alpecin sulla carta ha anche Groves che potrebbe provare a tenere sul poggio.

21 marzo 2025 15:24 Bullet
Esatto, molti dicono che per vincere deve partire a inizio Poggio o avere ancora uomini per menare forte a inizio Poggio, dimenticandosi di come andò due anni fa. Invece quel gruppetto fa già fatto attaccando sulla Cipressa e poi sul Poggio dare il colpo finale e lì sta agli altri gestirsi in modo furbo senza fare la fine di Pidcock alla Strade bianche. Dopo la Cipressa danno pure vento a favore quindi...

Vinca il migliore
21 marzo 2025 15:43 ghorio
Sulla carta i favoriti sono in tanti. C'è sempre la solita enfasi Pogacar, che oltre che bravo, si sa anche propagandare in tutte le salse, ma Sanremo ha spesso riservato sorprese.

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