PROFESSIONALS | 20/03/2025 | 17:11
di Francesca Monzone

Fifth in 2022, fourth in 2023, third in 2024. Will 2025 finally be Tadej Pogacar's year at Milan-Sanremo? The Slovenian has shown great physical prowess at the recent Strade Bianche, where he won despite clear signs of a crash. We will see him again at the start of the Spring Classic, with the intention of winning the first Monument of the season. To reach the victorious finish line, Pogacar will need a great team working for him, and UAE Team Emirates XRG has chosen a group that will be completely at his service. With the world champion will be Vegard Stake Laengen, Domen Novak, and Nils Politt, who will have the task of giving their all between Capo Mele and Cipressa. Then it will be the turn of Isaac Del Toro, Jhonatan Narvaez, and Tim Wellens, who must explode the race and launch Pogacar on the Poggio. Yesterday, Tadej Pogacar did a reconnaissance of the Milan-Sanremo route, and his sensations were very good.

"I was already back on the bike on Monday after Strade Bianche and then had a few easier days," the Slovenian said. Naturally, I was a bit stiff and sore at the beginning, but fortunately, I now feel good again. We are entering a truly exciting racing period, and I feel ready for Milan-Sanremo. Now I know the road to the finish line very well, and hopefully, we can make the race exciting on Saturday."

Tadej Pogacar is a rider with great qualities and is extremely ambitious, and every time he starts a race, he does so with the goal of having fun and winning.

"Can we win? It certainly won't be easy, but we'll give our maximum. As we've seen in the past, this race can end in different ways. We'll definitely have a plan and put ourselves in the best possible position. It's a race we really want to win."

Milan-Sanremo is a truly unique race, with 289 kilometers to cover, starting from Pavia and finishing on Via Roma in Sanremo. The day will be long, and in the first part, riders will have to pedal with great attention while waiting for the right moment to ignite the race. Sanremo will come alive when 100 kilometers remain, and starting from Capo Mele, the race will be truly nervous. As always, the crucial points will be the Cipressa and the Poggio of Sanremo, and the scenarios could be many, although generally, the victory comes with a sprint on Via Roma or with an attack on the Poggio.

After Milan-Sanremo, Pogacar should participate in E3 Harelbeke on March 28, Gand-Wevelgem on March 30, Tour of Flanders on April 6, and possibly for the first time at Paris-Roubaix on April 13, although there are no confirmations yet.

"The decision was made by the team, but has not yet been communicated," declared Fernandez Matxin, sporting director of UAE Team Emirates - XRG, to the Spanish media Relevo. Previously, the team's number one, Mauro Gianetti, was clear on the matter: "Paris-Roubaix is not at all in our plans for him at the moment. I hope he doesn't do it this year and I keep telling him he still has plenty of time before racing Paris-Roubaix."

Copyright © TBW
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