INTERVIEW | 19/03/2025 | 08:14
di Federico Guido

If in the last 20 years you have ever been to a race in Spain or, more likely, watched one on television, you will certainly have heard the names of riders pronounced clearly and strongly by a very clear voice, a voice that, over time, has become absolutely unmistakable and almost omnipresent in such a context.

This voice, so recognizable that it makes you understand you are or are watching a Spanish race even without visual support, belongs to the person who, starting from the late '90s, has accompanied all the greatest cycling feats that have occurred on Iberian soil, namely Juan Mari Guajardo.

Born in 1975 in Alsasua, Juan Mari has been the speaker of the Vuelta a España since 1997 and of Vuelta Andalucía, Vuelta Comunidad Valenciana, National Championships and Challenge Mallorca since 1998, he has been narrating the events of Basque Country Tour and Clasica de San Sebastian since 2002, and he commented on-site the Madrid World Championships 2005 and the 2005 Tour stage finishing in Pla-de-Beret. But that's not all. The events of Vuelta a Murcia, Vuelta a Castilla y León, Vuelta a Asturias, Vuelta a Burgos, Clàssica Comunitat Valenciana 1969, Gran Premio Miguel Indurain, Clásica Ordizia as well as the main cyclocross, mountain bike, and track competitions (to stick to two wheels) have all been narrated, in recent years, by Guajardo's inimitable timbre, who in his own way, with an overwhelming and engaging dose of enthusiasm, has rhythmed the history of the Spanish cycling movement.

During our last trip to Spain, we had the opportunity to approach him to get to know him better and understand in more detail how he lives his profession today.

Juan Mari, how did it all begin?

"I started by receiving some invitations to do interviews just like this one, and so it happened that I fell in love with races and this sport. Then, little by little, over time, I was fortunate to become the voice of races in Spain."

How difficult is your job today, between the preparation it requires and the time that takes you away from home?

"Very much, because, to understand, I sleep away from home an average of 240 days a year. In 2024, I spent 195 days traveling to follow cycling races and not only, as I was also at athletics, motorcycling, rhythmic gymnastics, various events... usually, however, 95% of the work sees me engaged as a speaker for Spanish races, from professional to Under 23, women's races, and junior races. The preparation? I like to note down team rosters, riders' names, contracts, and even their palmares to memorize and recall them more easily when I see them. So every day, before the start of the stage, I always prepare my notes on paper, but the most difficult moment is the eve of a race's start because I have to gather information about all the riders. I think my job is to give value to all cyclists: for me, they are all equally important, and from the first to the last on the starting line, they deserve to have their data and their space, we must say and know if they were national champions in their country, in which category... This is what I believe we should offer to all spectators when they come to watch the races."

How important is your work?

"I don't know if my job is important or not. But I know for sure that I am fortunate to do something that, for me, is a passion, not a job. I love what I do, it's my life to be with the best cyclists in the world: I accompanied Magnus Cort in his first victory at the Vuelta a España, I have seen great riders like Alessandro Petacchi, Paolo Bettini, Gianni Bugno, I saw Mario Cipollini win in Valencia, Fabio Aru, Vincenzo Nibali, and all the stars of cycling. Having the fortune to be and be able to interview such champions at a starting line is not a job for me, it's not a profession, it's a passion, it's life. Cycling is my life, and being a speaker is nothing more than a privilege."

So passion is your secret?

"Yes, I think so. You have to have it to stay away from home for a long time: it's thanks to it that, even with a family and three children, going away becomes a little less heavy."

Is there a champion, a rider you carry in your heart?

"There are many. I am from Navarra, and the great star of this land was Miguel Indurain, although it's not thanks to him that I became passionate about cycling, because I got to know him little by little only later, but with Bernard Hinault. For me, he was as great as Francesco Moser was: at my home, I keep a photo I took with him when I was a child at a criterium. My father took me there, and on that occasion, I was able to take that photo... that's a special memory I carry in my heart."

What relationship do you have with colleagues who do the same job in Italy, France, and abroad in general? Do you keep in touch?

"This year I met Stefano Bertolotti in person at the European Cyclocross Championships: before, we were in contact through social media, and it was a pleasure to greet him. In previous years, I had the pleasure of working with the Tour de France speakers Michel Gélizé and Daniel Mangeas, who was a great reference for me: I worked side by side with him on the Pla-de-Beret stage at the 2006 Tour de France, won by Denis Menchov. I don't know Paolo Mei, but I follow him on social networks. Maybe this year we'll have the chance to work together at the start of the Vuelta a España from Piedmont... we'll see."

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