PROFESSIONALS | 15/03/2025 | 16:23
di Francesca Monzone

Bad weather has once again characterized the Paris-Nice: rain, snow, and cold have made the race extremely challenging for the riders. Matteo Jorgenson has maintained the yellow leader's jersey, but tomorrow's final stage will see the riders continue to battle. The American, however, will respond to every attack and try to secure his second consecutive victory in the French race.

"The race is not over, and only tomorrow will we know the winner for certain" - Jorgenson explained: "The Nice-Nice stage is always very stressful, and there will definitely be a fight".

The Visma-Lease a Bike American has maintained his overall classification lead, with 37" over Lipowitz and 1'20" over Arensman. "Today was not an easy day, we had bad weather again, and it's never easy to race in these conditions. Tomorrow we'll try to control the situation, but we know it will be a nervous day".

The adverse weather has affected the stage race with falls caused by slippery roads, and the cold has tormented the riders, with many crossing the finish line hypothermic. The fourth stage was modified, and today's seventh stage was shortened. "The weather will be good tomorrow, but it will be a stressful day for us, and we'll need to be careful about everything. I know the course perfectly and have prepared myself as best I can, and we'll see what happens".

Visma-Lease a Bike has dominated the race from the first day, and despite Vingegaard's withdrawal following a crash, the yellow-black team has always ridden at the front, keeping the leader's jersey. "When you encounter crosswinds like yesterday, everyone pushes, and it's never easy. Every day we've seen something happen. These have been demanding days, and we knew people would start feeling tired as the days went by".

Last year, Jorgenson won the Paris-Nice for the first time, and the victory came on the final day when he managed to overtake the American Mcnulty, who had a lead of just 4 seconds. "Paris-Nice always has many surprises, and many things have happened these days. We know that in this race, attacks continue until the end, but as a team, we have shown we can handle ourselves well and will continue to do so".

Copyright © TBW
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