With a precise attack in the final thousand meters, Francesco Baruzzi won the Trofeo Resine Ragnoli-memorial Italo Ragnoli for juniors, held in Prevalle in the Brescia area. The young rider, from the Aspiratori Otelli Alchem CWC team, thus delivers the first victory and great satisfaction to Laura and Mauro Otelli by triumphing in the home race. Baruzzi preceded Trentino rider Brandon Fedrizzi (Petrucci Assali Stefen) by a few meters and Parma's Edoardo Raschi from Team F.lli Giorgi. Then, Dentelli beats Baldini to the fourth position.
96 km in 2h 21'24 average speed 40.820 km/h
1 BARUZZI Francesco Aspiratori Otelli Alchem CWC
2 FEDRIZZI Brandon Petrucci Assali Stefen Makro
3 RASCHI Edoardo Team F.lli Giorgi
4 DENTELLI Giacomo Pool Cantù GB Junior
5 BALDINI Matteo Ciclistica Trevigliese
6 BRAFA Federico Rosario Energy Team
7 GALBUSERA Pietro Pool Cantù GB Junior
8 SAVOLDINI Massimo SC Romanese
9 MISSAGLIA Nicolò UC Bustese Olonia 8"
10 GANINI Stefano SC Romanese
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