PROFESSIONALS | 09/03/2025 | 08:30
di Paolo Broggi

Take a post-it, write down this name and stick it on your important notes board: Albert Withen Philipsen. At eighteen years old, the new professional Danish rider from Lidl Trek competed yesterday in his first Strade Bianche, finishing 25th at 6'01" behind Tadej Pogacar. The youngest in the race, the best young rider at the finish line, with 73 other athletes behind him in the final standings. And one more record: he is the youngest rider to ever complete the Sienese race.

Thanks to our friends at Lidl Trek, we managed to exchange a few words with him, already world champion in road and off-road racing among juniors, who is predestined to do great things.

How do you feel after your first Strade Bianche?

"First of all, I'm really happy to have finished the race. It was a brutal day, with many conflicting emotions. I'm proud of how I raced and can't wait to see what I can do in this race in the future".

Did it go as you expected?

"I think it's difficult to know what Strade Bianche is really like before experiencing it in person. I started the race knowing it would be tough and frantic, but I must say it doesn't resemble anything I had ever experienced before".

Can you tell us about your race in detail?

"The race started very well and I managed to get into a good breakaway. Unfortunately, I had two punctures and a chain slip that made me lose contact with the leading group. After rejoining the main group, one of our leaders - Toms Skujins - punctured, so I gave him my bicycle. This forced me into a long chase to reach the second big group just before the dirt section of Monte Sante Maria. From there, it was a long battle to the finish line".

Even though it was a brutal race, can we say you enjoyed it?

"The short answer is yes! I really had fun during the race. Even though it was definitely the hardest day I've ever spent on a bike".

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