WOMEN | 09/03/2025 | 08:25
di Francesca Monzone

Demi Vollering at Strade Bianche yesterday had only one big goal: to beat her most dangerous rivals, Longo Borghini and Van der Breggen and win the race. In her first year with her new team, Vollering wanted an important victory and yesterday at Strade Bianche she beat a very strong Anna Van der Breggen. "I was eager to win immediately with my new team, I'm happy to be with FDJ-Suez and I really wanted to win this race. This was our first objective and winning it this way was incredible because the entire team kept believing and kept fighting."

Strade Bianche Women was an elimination race and only 57 cyclists managed to cross the finish line out of 143 starters. FDJ-Suez was the team that dominated the race, managing to control the moves of their opponents and helping Vollering stay covered until the moment she decided to change the course of the race.

"The girls did an extraordinary job and the staff also worked hard to ensure I had everything I needed. I got a puncture and before I even realized it, I already had a new bike. So it was truly a perfect team effort."

When Demi Vollering changed teams, leaving SD Worx, there were some controversies, because with the Dutch team she had achieved important results.
"I'm convinced I made the best choice. We all want to have a good season and leaving SD Worx was not easy. Of course, it wasn't simple because it's a team that has always performed well in its history, so yes, it was difficult to move to a new team".

The Dutchwoman will also race in Milan-Sanremo and thinks the course is not very suitable for an athlete like her.
"Milan-Sanremo will obviously be a beautiful race, but I think for our team it might be a bit more difficult to win, because it's not really suited to someone like me. But we have a good sprinter in the team so we can still do well".

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