INTERVIEW | 09/03/2025 | 08:22
di Giorgia Monguzzi

Sara Fiorin has made multi-discipline the very essence of her cycling adventure. From her youth categories, she has divided her time between velodromes and road races, growing and proving to everyone that she has what it takes. This year, however, she faces the big challenge in the World Tour landscape. The 21-year-old from Brianza started 2025 with a special determination, securing a second place in the sprint during the fourth stage of the UAE Tour behind Lorena Wiebe, which is almost like a victory and gives her an incredible boost. Her first exam in professional cycling seems to have been passed with flying colors, and as Sara tells us, the tough part is just beginning. She has broken the ice brilliantly and can't wait to face the next challenges.

To talk about Sara and her first races, we need to take a step back to her winter completely transformed by the new adventure with the Ceratizit team, which she tackled head-on and with great enthusiasm. "I've changed everything, or rather, I've revolutionized everything. The trainer is different, as is the nutritionist. I immediately faced an intense training regimen where the mileage increased significantly, but for now, I'm doing well. In the last two years with the UAE team, I confronted a large reality that somehow prepared me, but now I'm in a true World Tour formation. All my teammates are foreign, except for Fariba Hashimi, and they don't speak Italian. Fortunately, the staff is my compatriot and makes me feel a bit at home. It's a big change. For example, at the start of the season, I did some long trips and faced different temperatures, but it was beautiful," Sara tells us. She has made the most of her last two years in a top team, an important experience that exposed her to the international aspect of cycling and brought her to compete on the first-level stages, from which she also brought home a series of victories that attracted the attention of many in the sector.

The biggest change was certainly the mileage. The increase in race distances is something Sara is working hard on, though she still needs to find her rhythm. Her debut in Australia was crucial, where she broke the ice and adapted to the heat, but most importantly, she found the right race pace to compete with the best. Her eighth place on the first day in the Emirates made her believe in her abilities, and from there she continued to grow until securing second place in the final stage, behind only the current European champion and today's best sprinter. "After the finish line, I was incredulous. It was all amazing, unexpected," Sara continues. "Usually, I have a fairly short sprint, but that day I did exactly the opposite of what I should do: I launched my sprint before the 200m mark, something totally out of the ordinary for me. It was a gamble, but I felt I had to do it. Initially, I didn't think about where Wiebes was; I just tried to push as hard as possible. Then at a certain point, she was next to me, she looked at me. It was a special moment. I came in second, but it was beautiful."

What changes in Sara after her near-victory against Wiebes? It's a direct question that comes to us automatically, and the 21-year-old from Desio responds with a smile. "As soon as I crossed the finish line, I realized that I can really do something and I shouldn't be afraid. After the result, many people wrote to me. My father was even moved in front of the TV. It's something special to feel all this affection and make someone proud. Many told me it was like I had won because Wiebes is on another level, and in fact, beating her on the road has become a chimera, it's practically impossible. Martina Fidanza succeeded on the track, which gives even more value to her European title and made me think: with commitment and hard work, it's possible to give her a run for her money, but you have to believe in it."

After a few weeks at home, Sara is ready to start again, and today she will race the Oro in Euro Trophy, a small appetizer of what awaits her in the north. Her goal is to do well at Brugge de Panne and especially to compare herself with great athletes and long distances by facing a true World Tour calendar. Her dream is to one day be at the start of Paris-Roubaix, a race that fascinates her and defines her beyond any category. This year, it won't be in her plans, which will then take her to El Salvador, once again on the other side of the world. In this new challenge, among many firsts and countless appointments, Sara will not lack attention to the track, which last summer brought her to the Olympic Games, confirming her as one of Italy's excellences. Balancing everything is not easy, although it's increasingly evident that one discipline supports the other and definitely provides an extra gear. There's the thought of returning to the velodromes, but also new challenges to improve in. Meanwhile, Sara Fiorin grows and continues her new journey in the World Tour, trying to enjoy every single kilometer.

Copyright © TBW
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