IN-DEPTH | 09/03/2025 | 08:29
di Carlo Malvestio

As usual, the Tirreno-Adriatico in 2025 will be a combination of many things, including sprints, climbs, mixed stages, and time trials. A comprehensive test for those who will decide to come to Lido di Camaiore, from where the 60th edition of the Race of the Two Seas will start.

The first stage follows the tradition of recent years and will be an individual time trial along the seafront of Lido di Camaiore. 9.9 km completely flat, with a U-turn in Viareggio, halfway through the route, where the intermediate time check is also located. A test for specialists, which has smiled upon a locomotive like Filippo Ganna twice, while last year, somewhat surprisingly, it was won by Juan Ayuso.

The second stage, Camaiore - Follonica of 189 km, is also a typical Tirreno passage: no significant altitude difficulties, a true festival for sprinters, who usually flock en masse to this race.

Stage 3 is very interesting and open to interpretation, which will take the group from Follonica to Colfiorito for a total of 239 km. The length of the stage combines with a nervous start, characterized by several ups and downs, and a finale that allows no distractions. Riders will climb the Valico di Cofliorito, 18.4 km of absolutely rideable ascent (gradients always around 3-4%), which after more than 200 km of racing could certainly be felt in the riders' legs. The difficulty will end 4 km from the finish, and there are good chances that someone will want to test their opponents' resistance.

There should be no battle among the big names, but the epilogue of Stage 4 is also not easy to predict. From Norcia to Trasacco for 184 km, riders will have to face a very tricky first part of the stage, with the Forca della Civita immediately after the start, and then the Sella di Corno and La Crocetta Pass (12.4 km at 5.7%). The climb will end 80 km from the finish, and from that point, there will be no more traps until the Abruzzo finish on the Fucino plain, where two laps of a circuit of about 14 km are planned.

The next day, the group arrives in Marche, the terrain becomes more rugged, and the gradients become more challenging. The Ascoli Piceno - Pergola of 196 km is the classic stage of Marche walls, with 9 difficulties to face, although only 3 are categorized as mountain passes. However, the last two walls are likely to decide the outcome of the stage, inserted in the final 26 km; first, there's the Monte Santa Croce (3.4 km at 8.8%) and then the Monte della Serra (4.7 km at 6.6%), which will be crossed just over 7 km from the finish. After a day without breathing space, a head-to-head confrontation between the big names is expected in the finale.

A battle that will also be repeated in Stage 6, also entirely in Marche, in what we can define as the queen stage of the 2025 Race of the Two Seas. From Cartoceto to Frontignano (Ussita) for 166 km, there are very few flat kilometers. The finale is very demanding: the Passo delle Arette (7.4 km at 4%) to be overcome 26 km from the finish will warm up the athletes' legs in view of the new uphill finish in Frontignano, which offers 7.6 km at 8% average gradient. It will be a sort of last call for everyone, as the Blue Jersey and the mythical Trident pass through here.

The final celebration will be as usual in San Benedetto del Tronto, with a stage of 147 km starting from Porto Potenza Picena. The climb to Ripatransone 90 km from the finish should not scare the sprinters, who will have 5 laps of the circuit to prepare the sprint and study the grand finale of the Tirreno-Adriatico 2025.

Copyright © TBW
Viareggio ??
9 marzo 2025 18:43 Cicciobellino
Mi sembra che la cartina dica un'altra cosa... Vengono verso Viareggio, come lo scorso anno , oppure vanno a Fiumetto e tornano indietro ??

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