WOMEN | 08/03/2025 | 11:11

With the start of the Strade Bianche Women's race, the 2025 Women's Regional Cup of Italy officially begins, an initiative promoted by the Professional Cycling League president Roberto Pella and the Conference of Regions and Autonomous Provinces, chaired by Massimiliano Fedriga.

"International Women's Day certainly represents a celebratory moment of women's emancipation throughout history, and at the same time commits us all to strengthening the values of equity and equal opportunities through concrete actions. Today they will demonstrate extraordinary commitment and sacrifice."

In this sense, the Women's Regional Cup of Italy is born with the precise intention of guaranteeing athletes equal recognition in the prizes of 10 races and in the final prize pool. A tangible sign of commitment, immediately shared with the Minister for Equal Opportunities, Birth Rate, and Family Eugenia Roccella, who confirms the desire to develop sports competition at the female level and, at the same time, promote the values of equality, full inclusion, and equal opportunities. In addition to Roccella, a due thanks goes to Minister Andrea Abodi.

The Strade Bianche Women, through the iconic gravel roads of Tuscany, will today put to the test the best cyclists from the international and national panorama, the latter already animated by curiosity, interest, and appreciation for the Project by the Italian athletes. In Siena, members of the Cycling League Commissions are also present: Paolo Bettini, Gianni Bugno, Vincenzo Nibali, and Daniele Bennati.

"The equalization of the prize pool is an important milestone for our sport," adds the President of the Professional Cycling League, Roberto Pella, "and demonstrates that Italian cycling is finally recognizing the value of equality concretely and becoming the first nation and among the first disciplines in the world to bridge this gap. The Women's Regional Cup of Italy will be a driving force for the entire movement, and I am genuinely proud. Thanks to all our organizers who bring the most beautiful races in the world to life, and today in particular to RCS Sport president Urbano Cairo, who organizes the first race of the Regional Cup of Italy."

1 08/03/2025 Strade Bianche Women Elite Tuscany
2 16/03/2025 Trofeo Alfredo Binda–Cittiglio Municipality Lombardy
3 22/03/2025 Milan-San Remo Women Lombardy-Liguria
4 25/04/2025 Women's Liberation Grand Prix Lazio
5 24/06/2025 Women's Apennines Tour Piedmont-Liguria
6 14/09/2025 Women's Matteotti Trophy Abruzzo
7 04/10/2025 Women's International Emilia Tour Emilia-Romagna
8 07/10/2025 Tre Valli Varesine Women's Race Lombardy
9 12/10/2025 Textile & Fashion Trophy–Municipalities of Valdengo and Biella Piedmont
10 15/10/2025 Women's Veneto Tour Veneto

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