HEALTH | 06/03/2025 | 08:15
di Giulia De Maio

The professional racing season is heating up and amateur training is becoming more intense. The daylight hours are increasing, allowing many enthusiasts to carve out some time in the saddle before or after work.

With the imminent arrival of spring, it's important to remind everyone how crucial it is to cycle safely on any terrain and in any weather condition, avoiding risks to the skin.

Cyclists and Photoprotection: A Health Matter

A study conducted by Heliocare, the leading brand in dermatological photoprotection from Cantabria Labs, revealed that only 18% of Italians apply sunscreen with the correct frequency, every two hours, as recommended by experts. This data is particularly concerning for those practicing outdoor sports, like cycling, because prolonged UV exposure without adequate protection increases the risk of skin damage, premature wrinkles, and skin cancer.

Making matters worse, many athletes underestimate the risks associated with sweating. Dr. Massimo Milani, medical director of Cantabria Labs Difa Cooper, explains: "Sweat increases the risk of skin burns by 15%. This is a chemical issue: sweat makes the skin less capable of reflecting sunlight."

While a sunny day brings a smile because it allows us to train in pleasant temperatures, as we start to remove arm and leg warmers, we must protect the body's largest organ, helping it age as slowly as possible. It's not enough to protect yourself only when at the beach or in the mountains: those spending hours on a bicycle should always apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen, especially on the face, arms, and legs, the most exposed parts.

The Most Common Mistake Among Athletes: Using Too Little Sunscreen

The Heliocare research highlighted that people buy an average of only two sunscreen packages per year, an insufficient quantity to guarantee adequate skin protection. Considering that cycling involves long and repeated training sessions, sunscreen consumption should be significantly higher.

Moreover, many cyclists don't know that sunscreen does not hinder tanning, a false myth that prevents consistent sunscreen use. 58% of Italians are aware of this, but there is still much work to do to raise awareness among outdoor sports practitioners.

Photoprotection and Performance: The Perfect Combination

Sun and sports represent a powerful wellness mix because outdoor physical activity allows you to get a full dose of vitamin D, essential for the proper functioning of the immune system. However, prolonged physical effort can weaken the epidermis, making it more sensitive to irritations, which can worsen with sun exposure.

In this regard, Dr. Milani emphasizes that: "Those practicing a sport like cycling must absolutely use topical photoprotection, complementing it with specific supplements for sun protection. The stick protector from Cantabria Labs Difa Cooper is ideal for athletes because it can be easily carried in the jersey pocket and reapplied during the bike ride."

Heliocare: The Champions' Choice

The important thing is that the products used are of quality and certified, like those from Heliocare, already chosen by Real Madrid footballers and ready to win over the group of those cycling safely. Photoprotection is the first step to fully enjoying the cycling season without skin risks.

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