PROFESSIONALS | 05/03/2025 | 12:55
di Federico Guido

"Shake the old way, nights too dark to see. Free tomorrow, it's bright with something new" (Forget the old times, nights too dark to see, tomorrow is free, it's bright and brings novelty) are two verses from "The New Day", a single from Greta Van Fleet's first successful album, which could perfectly match Samuele Battistella's situation.

In recent months, the 26-year-old from Castelfranco Veneto has put behind two not exactly excellent years with the Astana jersey and turned the page, enthusiastically welcoming the many changes that have transformed not only his professional life but also his private one. Even before officially wearing the new colors of EF Education-EasyPost (the team he joined by signing a two-year contract after four seasons with Astana), Battistella and his partner Alessia welcomed their firstborn Mia, a happy arrival that, combined with joining Jonathan Vaughters' team, has led the 2019 Under-23 World Champion to approach the 2025 season with many new responsibilities.

We discussed these life changes with him at the start of the Trofeo Laigueglia, the first Italian race in a calendar that will bring him, in May, to pin on the number for the third time in his career at the Giro d'Italia.

The first month of races with the new team is behind you: how did it go?

"I really like the team, its organization, and its mentality. The only problem is that I wanted to start strong, but I had a knee tendonitis in mid-January, which forced me to stop for twenty days and lose a good training block. However, the team was very supportive, telling me to take it easy and solve the problem. Once resolved, the first races I've done so far, like those I'll compete in until I'm back in shape, have been in support of the team. The start was a bit slow, but the goal is always to be at my best for the Giro d'Italia and win as soon as possible: I don't care which race, I just want to win."

So what does your program after Laigueglia look like?

I'll do two weeks of training, then Milano-Torino, Basque Country, and a bit of Belgium.

For you and your career, this represents a breath of fresh air: what environment did you find and how were you welcomed?

"It's a different environment because there aren't many Italians, it's very international, but fortunately I did my first years with NTT Dimension Data, so I was already used to it."

From the inside, what kind of organization is EF Education-EasyPost? Is there any aspect that struck you and that you've encountered for the first time?

"What really impressed me is that they truly give you the freedom to decide about anything, whether it's training or race schedule. They are very open to dialogue, and I like that."

The team is not the only novelty for you entering this 2025 because now at home, with Mia's birth, you are three: I wanted to ask you how fatherhood is going and how difficult it is now to be away from home.

"My girlfriend supports me a lot, so for example, when I have long night training sessions, she takes care of the baby, who fortunately sleeps well. The hardest thing now is really leaving home and not seeing her for a while, but I think I'll gradually get used to it."

Copyright © TBW
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