PROFESSIONALS | 01/03/2025 | 08:09

Two realities, two worlds seemingly distant but sharing a quality product, a taste for beauty, and an important value like environmental sustainability. These are the connecting threads between MAK, a Brescia-based company, leader in the Italian market for aluminum alloy wheel production and sales, and the Tour of the Alps, the euro-regional cycling event scheduled from April 21 to 25 on the roads of Tyrol, South Tyrol, and Trentino.

The sponsorship agreement, concluded by Infront, strategic partner of the Tour of the Alps for marketing, commercial, and TV production rights, has connected two realities that make excellence their trademark, achieved through values like teamwork and environmental respect.

Founded in 1991 following a joint venture between two historic companies active in industrial metallurgical production and the automotive commercial sector, MAK represents an established brand in the national and international landscape thanks to innovative designs that appeal to all motorists. In 2024, the company underwent a significant reshoring process, bringing wheel production back to Italy and investing in facilities to expand and install new robotic islands and implement a cutting-edge painting system.

Inspired by the 'Lean Thinking' philosophy, MAK prioritizes waste reduction, improvement of internal processes, and constant pursuit of production efficiency and quality through teamwork. The theme of environmental sustainability represents one of the challenges for the Brescia-based company, which is investing in alternative energy use, production waste recovery, and logistics optimization.

Important challenges that also belong to the Tour of the Alps, an event that makes quality research and its innovative format its strong point, and has always been a promoter of environmental protection initiatives. The Alpine ecosystem and its beauty are a precious but very delicate resource: preserving them is a priority for those who live and love them, and therefore also for the euro-regional event that has long placed CO2 emissions reduction among its strategic priorities. An objective achieved through small and large measures, starting with the near-elimination of pre and post-stage transfers.

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