PROFESSIONALS | 28/02/2025 | 15:59

Giovanni Visconti is preparing to take on a new and exciting challenge as the talent scout for GreenEDGE Cycling, the management company of Team Jayco AlUla. The former Italian professional cyclist has extensive experience in the field and will enrich the team's important "Pathway Project", working closely with Alex Miles (Lead Data Scientist) and two other new recruits for 2025, Fabio Baronti and Christian Schrot.

The team's "Pathway Project", supervised by Matthew White, has grown in recent years, with GreenEDGE Cycling investing heavily in researching and developing young talents. Visconti's addition will give momentum to the project, with the 42-year-old three-time Italian champion bringing a new approach to talent scouting, as the team looks ahead to building its foundations for future generations.

Giovanni Visconti: "I am truly proud to become part of the great GreenEDGE Cycling family. I will work within the "Pathway Project" to verify in the field the indications coming from management, coaches, and the data scientist. Our goal is to know young talents not only from a sports perspective but also personally and familially, taking into consideration the environment they come from. For this reason, one of the characteristics of my talent scout work will be continuity: a constant monitoring of the athlete that will allow us to get to know the rider more deeply".

Brent Copeland, General Manager: "We are very happy that Giovanni is joining our team. We have built a strong working group focused on the development path, and we are confident that Giovanni will bring a new approach and perspective to further strengthen this working group. As a former cyclist, he knows the details of cycling and how challenging the path to the top can be. We want to ensure that young talented riders have the opportunities they deserve and are not left on the margins. It's a very exciting project, and we can't wait to start working with Giovanni".

Copyright © TBW
28 febbraio 2025 21:12 Osteopata
Commenti Giovanni sei una brava persona super preparato.
In bocca al lupo!
Roberto Piazza

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