CONTINENTAL | 25/02/2025 | 08:08

After past experiences, Davide Cassani, assisted by former Pro riders Francesco Chicchi and Michele Coppolillo, once again choose Jesolo as the destination for their Training Camp.

Jesolo Team88 continues to be a reference point and catalyst for important initiatives, following the success of the Ride with the Champion and Sport and History events, which over the years have brought national and international cycling icons to Jesolo.

The arrival of Cassani's team in Jesolo represents further confirmation of the city's vocation for hosting high-level sporting events, as well as strengthening its connection with cycling and its passionate fans, promoting the territory and tourism through sport.

THE START OF THE TECHNIPES SEASON. The 2025 season for Team Technipes #inEmiliaRomagna has started brilliantly. Just after concluding the training camp in Spain, on the Costa Blanca in Dénia, while another part of the team experienced a unique competitive and training experience in Algeria, the 2025 competitive season of the team founded in 2019 by Davide Cassani has also begun in Italy, promoted by APT Servizi Emilia Romagna and becoming Continental in 2023 with the entry of main sponsor Technipes.

The team, led by Gianni Carapia, immediately achieved a good result at their first Italian event, with Alessandro Cattani's 4th place in the Firenze-Empoli race on Saturday, February 22, competing for the win with three breakaway companions. A good performance for sports director Michele Coppolillo in the team car, before facing a flat stage for sprinters on Sunday, February 23 in Misano, useful for getting the legs moving ahead of upcoming events.

The same objective led five riders, guided by sports director Francesco Chicchi, to compete in 12 days of racing in Algeria, in an international context that saw participants from Tunisia, Mauritius, Eritrea, Belgium, Netherlands, Switzerland, Germany, and China. The quality level was also high, including athletes with World Tour experience like Youcef Reguigui and Yevgeniy Gidich.

"This experience will certainly be useful," explains Francesco Chicchi, the sports director involved in Algeria. "Everything was well-organized logistically, and even though these routes were too 'easy' for us, a ten-day stage race at the start of the season is very valuable for the important calendar we'll face later."

The Algeria trip ended on Saturday, February 22 with significant results and a steady improvement in condition: Thomas Bolognesi immediately stood out, fearlessly transitioning from the Junior category with a fourth place in the GP Sakiat Sidi Youcef, before securing three fourth places, a fifth, two sixth, and a ninth in the ten stages of the Tour d'Algérie. Luca Bagnara, highly anticipated in 2025, also performed well, finishing in the top twenty in the general classification (on a route not suited to his climbing characteristics) and already demonstrating his readiness with the combativity award. Notable placements for Matteo Gabelloni, 6th in the GP Sonatrach, and Luca Martignago, 8th in the last stage of the Tour d'Algérie and 7th in the Grand Prix de la Ville d'Alger on Saturday, February 22. Adam Bronakowski was very consistent, finishing in the top twenty of the Tour d'Algérie classification and 3rd in the young riders' classification.

The Technipes Team approaches the 2025 season with a renewed and ambitious lineup of 16 athletes, almost all Under 23, with the goal of further consolidating their position among the best Continental category teams internationally.

At the helm of the project is a high-level technical staff, starting from Davide Cassani's initial vision when launching the project, composed of a competent, passionate, and extremely serious and professional core, beginning with President Gianni Carapia: from technicians Francesco Chicchi, Michele Coppolillo, and Mauro Calzoni, together with project manager Gian Luca Giardini, all ready to guide the group in 2025.

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