POLITICS | 22/02/2025 | 11:06
di Guido La Marca

It's a new day for a new day branded by Cordiano Dagnoni. Today officially begins in Rome the second term of the Lombard manager. In the Coni Board Room, the first Federal Council led by Cordiano Dagnoni will be held, and on this occasion, the new Italian technical staff will be launched.

As previously anticipated by tuttobiciweb, Marco Villa will be entrusted with the most prestigious helm, that of the professional national team. After years of work and medals collected on tracks around the world, the dream, objective, or challenge is to find the new Ganna and Milan, who could actually be Ganna and Milan themselves, given that this year there will be very little, almost nothing, for our two blue track champions.

It's clear that Villa's state of mind is halfway between excitement and discouragement, the joy of such a prestigious helm and the regret of leaving his beloved track, but the clock of time moves on and things generally change, and those who are good know how to adapt to change.

Today, the new technical staff will be announced, drawing from within their own ranks, since in recent years a cohesive and winning group of coaches has been formed through results. While Villa will be entrusted with the professional national team, Marco Velo will be given the keys to the women's blue helm, which until recently belonged to Paolo Sangalli, who has moved to Lidl-Trek with Luca Guercilena. Villa will retain

supervision of the women's track, entrusted to Diego Bragato (head of the National team performance). The men's track will instead be assigned to one of the most experienced and winning coaches in Italian sports, Dino Salvoldi, who will handle the entire pipeline: from juniors (whom he will also follow on the road) to Under 23, up to professionals. The speed sector, literally reinvented by Ivan Quaranta, will remain in the hands of the Lombard coach who will finally - and it was about time - have the recognition of Head Coach. While Quaranta will continue his work in speed specialties, Mirko Celestino will do the same in mountain bike and Daniele Pontoni in cyclocross.




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di Guido La Marca
È un nuovo giorno per un giorno nuovo targato Cordiano Dagnoni. Inizia oggi ufficialmente a Roma il secondo mandato del dirigente lombardo. Nella sala della Giunta del Coni si terrà il primo Consiglio federale guidato da Cordiano Dagnoni e in...




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