INTERVIEW | 21/02/2025 | 09:39
di Francesca Monzone

Next September, Africa will host its first Cycling World Championships, which will take place from the 21st to the 28th in Rwanda's Kigali. There are many doubts about this world championship, which is overshadowed by the threat of war at the Rwanda-Congo border. While the UCI and the Rwandan government are offering many reassurances, some countries would prefer the World Championship to be held in Europe.

A careful evaluation, which will include charter flights and hotels to reduce costs, will be made after the Tour of Rwanda, which will be held from February 23rd to March 2nd. The UCI Board will meet and assess the situation, and the meeting will also include representatives from many national teams, who are particularly seeking security guarantees. The UCI's main intention is to keep the event in Africa: the security issue will be given the highest priority. A relocation of the World Championship to Europe is not yet on the agenda, but it is a possibility that has not been ruled out, with Switzerland potentially being the new host. To clarify this, we managed to reach Rwanda's Sports Minister, Nelly Mukazayire, a young politician and renowned economist, who has held many important government positions and who, since last December, has moved from the role of permanent secretary in the sports ministry to Sports Minister, with a mandate to implement sports policies.

There are guerrillas at the Rwanda-Congo border, and many wonder how this might affect the normal running of the Tour of Rwanda, which will start in a few days, and the Kigali World Championship next September.
"Safety is our top priority. We are fully aware of the situation in the border region and are working closely with all relevant authorities to ensure the safety and protection of all participants and spectators during the Cycling World Championships. Rwanda has a proven track record of hosting successful international events, and we are confident this championship will be no different. We have adopted solid security measures and are committed to providing a safe and enjoyable experience for all involved. We are certain that the situation in the border region will not affect the championships."

The Cycling World Championships, in terms of organization and media impact, are significantly more important than a race like the Tour of Rwanda, and there have been concerns about potential repercussions due to the presence of international athletes and media. Minister Mukazayire remains firm in her position, guaranteeing maximum safety. Currently, there have been no problems in Rwandan territory, and guerrilla activities are occurring in Congo, although the border is just 13 kilometers away.
"Every major international event involves a certain degree of risk, but we are proactively managing the situation. We have developed comprehensive plans to address potential challenges, including security, logistics, and health considerations. We are working closely with international cycling authorities and other stakeholders to ensure a smooth and successful event. We are aware of the global importance of this event and are prepared to meet the high standards expected. We are confident that the benefits of hosting the Championships, including promoting cycling in Africa, showcasing Rwanda's beauty and progress, and boosting our economy, far outweigh any potential risks."

Cycling in Rwanda is expanding more and more, and the entire African continent is making significant strides. Not far from Kigali, in Bugesera, the largest cycling center in Africa has been built, and the UCI has also created a development project for young riders.

"The Cycling World Championships will have a transformative impact on the future of cycling in Rwanda. They will inspire a new generation of cyclists, increase the sport's impact within the country, and provide valuable experience for our athletes. The event will also leave a legacy of improved infrastructure and greater access to cycling. We anticipate a significant increase in cycling participation at all levels, from grassroots to elite. This championship will be a catalyst for the continued growth and development of cycling in Rwanda, and we believe it will contribute to the overall development of sports in our country and Africa as a whole."

Some major national teams like the Netherlands and Denmark will not send their youth squads to Rwanda, and Soudal Quick Step has withdrawn its team from the Tour of Rwanda, believing that safety standards are not guaranteed. Moreover, the Netherlands and Denmark have stated that the costs for traveling to Rwanda are too high, with hotels costing no less than 500 € per day. The UCI in its upcoming meeting (a video conference with federation representatives is scheduled for Wednesday to discuss flights, hotels, and vaccinations) will address these aspects, and the sports minister is confident that together they can find advantageous solutions for everyone.

"We have been in contact with various national federations regarding participation in the World Championships. We understand that cost considerations are an important factor for many teams. While we have worked to provide a range of accommodation options, including more affordable alternatives, we also recognize that participating in a global event involves costs. We are committed to transparency in our pricing. We are open to discussing any specific concerns federations might have and will continue to work with all participating nations to make this championship a success. It is important to note that we have received strong interest from many other nations and are confident of strong participation."

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21 febbraio 2025 16:32 Miguelon
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