AMATEUR RIDERS | 13/02/2025 | 08:22
di Giulia De Maio

Passion for cycling can go to one's head, but there's a limit to everything. These days, there's news of a marriage destroyed by an amateur cyclist's obsession with two wheels, which led him to court. On trial is a 50-year-old healthcare worker from the Lake Bolsena area, against whom his ex-wife testified, revealing a surreal reality.

"Every night I had to wax him, otherwise there were screams. Then at 9 PM he would go to sleep and wake up at midnight to do gymnastics until 6 in the morning. But that's not all. I also had to do his hair, long and curly, and it was always a scene because according to him, I was doing it wrong" the woman recounted, explaining how between 2016 and 2019 the marriage fell apart.

"One bike wasn't enough, he bought eight thousand euros worth of mountain bikes. Plus all the most expensive accessories. He spent his entire salary on himself and sports. He was wasting money while I had to get help from my parents and manage with a thousand odd jobs" she continued, who in 2021 reported him for aggravated family mistreatment, in front of the couple's three children.

"He had reached the point of blackmailing me. When I was about to have a cesarean for our third child, he told me that if I didn't reschedule the surgery so he could train on his bicycle first, he wouldn't come to the hospital. And indeed, he didn't come. He never came to baptisms, weddings, children's birthdays. He had to do sports, go cycling. I was like a widow, always alone with the kids" the woman, a civil party in the trial, continued.

Unfortunately, his mania for two wheels was accompanied by other, much more serious issues. "Since the separation, I've started finding him everywhere, at the lake and even on the cross on Mount Amiata, when in the past he wouldn't even come to the beach with us. Once when I was late bringing the children, he terrified me, threatening 'if you don't bring the kids immediately, I'll do what I should have done long ago'. With everything you see on television, there was little to understand. There were also a couple of physical assaults. Once he grabbed me by the neck and I, in self-defense, grabbed him by the genitals, injuring a testicle. I decided to report him when we were already separated, after he had me find some scratched crosses on the entrance door of the house" reports the website, which rightly recalls that in the Italian penal system, the presumption of innocence applies until the final verdict. A presumption of innocence based on Article 27 of the Italian constitution, which states that a person "is not considered guilty until the final conviction".

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13 febbraio 2025 08:53 PIZZACICLISTA
Ma cosa c'entra tutto questo con il ciclismo?......... A buon intenditore poche parole

Come mischiare capre e cavoli
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