WOMEN | 12/02/2025 | 12:53
di Luca Galimberti

Tomorrow at the Setmana Ciclista Valenciana, Demi Vollering will make her debut with the FDJ Suez team jersey, a squad she joined by signing a two-year contract after leaving SD Worx, where she was one of the top athletes in recent seasons. On the eve of the four stages that will characterize the Spanish race, Vollering met with the press to discuss various topics, starting with her team change.

"From the first meeting with the FDJ Suez management, I was struck by the great professionalism, passion, and ambition of this team," said the 28-year-old from the Netherlands, explaining that she had a good winter and prepared herself with great energy for the new season.

The jersey change has given "Deminator" new stimuli, and she explained: "I'm the same person from previous seasons, but perhaps a new athlete. I've started a new path with new coaches and new teammates, many things have changed, and it's likely that with FDJ Suez, the tactical approach to some races will also change. I can't wait to race and understand how it will be. I look forward to the entire season."

The main objective of the orange champion's season is certainly the Tour de France Femmes, a competition she won in 2023 and narrowly missed last year by just 4". "The Tour has always been a great goal for me since it returned to the women's calendar. Now, racing for a French team, it will take on a special meaning. I'm very motivated and hope to be at my best form," Demi declared.

Before focusing on the yellow race, Vollering has several races on her agenda. "After Valenciana, I'll race the Omloop Het Nieuwsblad and then do the Italian calendar. This year, the Milano – Sanremo will be included. It will be a very fascinating race. We don't know the exact route, but the finale is truly spectacular. I've always enjoyed watching the men's race and I'm eager to participate."

The Dutch athlete was also asked about her relationship with her countrywoman Anna van der Breggen, her former coach at SD Worx, who after returning to racing will be her opponent starting tomorrow at Valenciana. "It will be strange to find her as an opponent, but I can't do anything about it. Over the years, I've learned a lot from her. We both know each other very well, she knows how I prepare, but I also know how she trains. It will be particular to find ourselves racing on the road. It will be a great season, and she will certainly be very strong," Vollering declared.

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di Luca Galimberti
Domani alla Setmana Ciclista Valenciana Demi Vollering farà il suo debutto con la maglia dell’equipe Fdj Suez, squadra a cui si è legata firmando un accordo biennale lasciando la SD Worx di cui nelle ultime stagioni era una delle atlete...

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