When he saw it on TV, he couldn't believe his eyes. He went to the computer to watch and rewatch. And then he started typing a direct, harsh, unfiltered attack.
"If today at the Etoile de Bessaeges some riders had died, we would be here mourning! But even if there had been just one injury due to the serious negligence of a professional organization that cannot and must not go unnoticed. The top management of our sport asks teams for million-dollar insurance and then we find ourselves facing races where roads are not closed! Not to mention that if someone gets hurt, the team always pays, just hoping no one dies...".
Luca Guercilena, general manager of Lidl Trek, did not mince words. Now we'll see if the UCI, as the primary responsible for the cycling world, will respond with the same frankness and speed. With hope, we sit next to Luca and wait.