PROFESSIONALS | 03/02/2025 | 16:33

The Tour of the Alps and Melinda continue their journey together: also in 2025, the brand of the famous fruit consortium will appear on the Green Jersey worn by the general classification leader of the euro-regional race. The agreement was concluded by Infront, strategic partner of the Tour of the Alps for marketing and commercial rights and TV production.

From April 21 to 25, the collaboration will be renewed on the roads of Trentino, Alto Adige, and Tyrol, consolidating a bond that dates back to the Giro del Trentino days, which in its last edition before passing the baton to the Tour of the Alps had Melinda as the 'title sponsor'.

A synergy between the event organized by GS Alto Garda and the Trentino consortium that goes beyond sport, uniting common values and shared objectives. The passion for cycling (from 1992 to 2015, the Trentino consortium gave its name to the Trofeo Melinda, a classic of the Italian summer calendar between Val di Non and Val di Sole), commitment to the territory, and attention to sustainability are the pillars of this collaboration, which strengthens year after year.

Founded in 1989, Melinda now represents a global reference in the sector, bringing together over 4,000 Trentino families. Beyond apple production, the consortium stands out for continuous innovation, thanks to fruit processing with cutting-edge technologies that preserve 100% naturalness.

In terms of sustainability, Melinda, just like the Tour of the Alps, is a virtuous model that works with respect for the environment and the most precious asset of this territory: the mountain. The Val di Non Consortium uses 100% renewable energy resources, of which 11% is self-produced, and 97% of its orchards use drip irrigation systems, reducing water consumption by 30%. Particular attention is also given to respecting the biological cycles of orchards, the rhythm of seasons, and climate.

"Between our connection to cycling and our territory, the Tour of the Alps is increasingly a certainty for Melinda," - commented Andrea Fedrizzi, Melinda's Marketing Manager. "The Tour of the Alps is an increasingly certain event that certifies the link between cycling and our territory. From the beginning of the #TotA project, Melinda, the leading fruit and vegetable brand, has been on the chest of the general classification leader. It's a success story we've seen born and grow, and today we are proudly protagonists of one of the most interesting and innovative cycling events at an international level, with ever-increasing media impact."

"The path we have undertaken together with Melinda is based on shared passion and traditions that sink their roots in our common heritage" – declared Giacomo Santini, President of GS Alto Garda. – "We are proud to renew this collaboration also in 2025, certain of having created an event capable of exalting the excellence and sustainability of such a representative brand, both in Italy and internationally."

Copyright © TBW
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