AWARDS | 03/02/2025 | 08:14
di Francesco Coppola

The dream of Padua sports manager and technician Rino Baron has finally come true. The National CONI has awarded him the 2023 Bronze Star of Sports Merit in recognition of his merits acquired during 41 years of managerial activity dedicated to cycling.

  "I deeply congratulate you," stated CONI President Giovanni Malagò in the motivation for the award, "hoping that your managerial activity will continue with further achievements and satisfactions." The honor will be presented during the ceremony organized by the Veneto CONI Committee in the coming days.

  On January 16th, Rino Baron, who is originally from San Martino di Lupari, turned 77 years old. He is the promoter of the F.W.R. Baron Grand Prix, which will celebrate its 12th edition, with the namesake association led by his wife Fiorella, sons Wais, Ronny, and daughters-in-law, and is preparing to celebrate the 41st year of activity of the society they founded in 1984. He was a cyclist from the youth categories, and due to an accident, he stopped racing and pursued massophysiotherapy, through which he followed many great champions in cycling, including Francesco Moser and many others. While maintaining the cycling team, he also assisted athletes in Calcio Padova and Treviso for many years, even in Series "A" and "B" Championships.

  When his sons Wais and Ronny finished competing as amateurs, the Baron family launched the Young Juniors Project, organizing the annual Grand Prix and extremely important races such as the Italian Championship and the prestigious National Cup, for which he is very involved in organizing the 2025 edition, which will be spread over three days.

  It's also worth noting that Baron was President of the Triveneto Sports Directors Association for three years from 1996 to 1998. His motto is "In sports and in life, no victory has more value than loyalty and Honor!"

  "I am very satisfied with the recognition awarded to me by CONI," Rino Baron stated with satisfaction, "for the great enthusiasm I have for sports and also because in life it is right to reward those who work. Despite my 77 years, I have never stopped and I strive to improve, as much as possible, this world of ours. I love cycling and I am very proud of this and will do everything so that others continue on my path."

  "This is a beautiful and special year for me," he concluded, "because I have my little grandson Liam who has started racing among the G6 and then the other, Angelo, who is younger, because he also goes crazy following his cousin's races and has always told me 'grandpa, I adore cycling'. Now the bronze star has arrived, and we will do our best to reach the silver one and why not the gold, and I will do everything to deserve them, but I want to thank CONI Veneto President, Dino Ponchio, who initiated this, and my family who is always by my side."

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