OPEN LETTER | 01/02/2025 | 08:10
di Fiorenzo Alessi

Dear Editor, the almost daily occurrence of road accidents involving cyclists, without distinction between professional athletes and everyday bicycle users, cannot go unnoticed. This steady stream of incidents is, to put it mildly, both irritating and distressing.

One must truly wonder: at this rate, where are we heading? In other words, where can one possibly pedal without risking injury, being maimed, or - in an extreme but not uncommon scenario - killed?

And what can be done to ensure that the term SAFETY is not just an empty word to pay lip service to, but a defensive barrier that must be respected and not crossed, under the threat of actual punitive consequences?

Frankly, from my professional experience, I know perfectly well that in our legal system, which already comprehensively enumerates offenses and crimes with clear precepts and equally specific and precise sanctions, being on the side of the "bad guy" is always better than supporting the reasons of the victim. For those familiar with the judicial "environment", I'm not ranting but simply representing the harsh reality. If one were to want to (and I don't wish this on anyone)... try it to believe it. Moreover, one must act according to the dictates of the law. It is not yet clear that there is room for "vigilante justice" or similar Wild West-style resolutions.

Given these circumstances, I remind myself that Article 6 of the current Federal Statute, titled "CYCLING SPORTS ACTIVITY", in point 1 literally states: "The FCI recognizes and protects the right to free performance of sports activities", or cycling activities then specified in point 2.

The concept of "PROTECTION" is extremely broad, but I believe we could at least... follow in the CONI's footsteps in the concrete initiatives implemented to address what has always been defined as a "plague" of Sport, and - rightly or wrongly - especially of Cycling: DOPING. Given the current trend, I would not hesitate to define "SAFETY" as a new, increasingly infected plague affecting the exercise of cycling, in guaranteed freedom and full right.

It is a well-known fact that the Italian National Olympic Committee, in adherence to its statutorily established purposes and for the general protection of Sport, tends to become a Civil Party in all those criminal proceedings that significantly involve doping-related cases under judicial scrutiny. Thus, CONI comes to support the Public Prosecution in sustaining and demonstrating in court that certain actions, whether active or omissive, have constituted violations of regulations, both ordinary-criminal and so-called anti-doping. So that... those who have done wrong pay.

Take it as a simple operational proposal: would it really be so bad if the F.C.I., where the rights to a " performance..." of cycling activities have been prejudiced, and those who practice it on the road have been injured or even culpably "killed", became a Civil Party to protect Cycling?

Cordially. Fiorenzo Alessi

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