AMATEURS | 29/01/2025 | 08:03
Just over three weeks remain until the 101st edition of Coppa San Geo-55th Trofeo Caduti Soprazocco-Memorial Attilio Necchini-Giancarlo Otelli, and naturally the organizing machine has been in motion for some time.
The gears have been perfectly oiled, and now it's time to make the final touches to the first official phase: the presentation scheduled for Friday, February 14th at the Sullivan Restaurant in Ponte San Marco (Brescia). This year's edition has a very special significance because during the evening, in addition to presenting the route, participants, prizes, and everything else, an important space will be reserved to remember some people who have passed away in recent years, who in life gave much to the Brescia cycling movement, particularly to the event that opens the amateur racing season.
Gianni Pozzani, Luigi Borno, and Rudy Zucca have indeed decided to create three plaques to be handed over to the families of Attilio Necchini, Giancarlo Otelli, and Gino Zaia.
"Tio" Necchini was behind the wheel of the race director's car for several decades. Otelli was also among the race directors. Gino Zaia narrated numerous editions of the race with his great professionalism. A former rider at Pedale Bresciano with Renato Bongioni, world champion in Salò 1962, he did not limit himself to being a speaker, but told cycling stories with enthusiasm and love. "During the official race presentation," says Gianni Pozzani, "we will remember some friends who were by our side.
Necchini, Otelli, and Zaia were not just collaborators, but constant reference points for our event. They had a decisive impact, and we intend to remember them with an exclusive plaque created by Ronchi Coppe e Trofei.
Necchini and Zaia were also advisors to our club, so it is truly appropriate to honor and remember them." Luigi Borno and Rudy Zucca also agree with Gianni Pozzani. "If this race gathers more and more unanimous consensus every year," they state in unison, "the credit goes to the entire team, which includes people who are not seen but who perform a challenging and extremely important job. The people we intend to remember are precisely those who were always present whenever we contacted them. We believe this is the right way to mark the first official act of the race celebrating the first year of its second century."

Copyright © TBW
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